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View Full Version : Kai Tak IGS 13 Landing (Video)

08-19-2009, 02:15 AM
Just another one from my newly-flyable sim. Really enjoying this! Approach, landing, and taxi in at the now closed Kai Tak airport in Hong Kong. The outstanding scenery is from FlyTampa. Hope you enjoy it.. comments welcome!

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Per Alm
08-19-2009, 07:21 AM
Very Nice movie and you have a very nice simulator!!

Congratulations!! 10 points out of 10!!:D

08-19-2009, 07:57 AM
Can you give us details on visual setup? FS9? FSX? etc.

08-19-2009, 08:19 AM
Damn nice sim Chris and perfect landing. Very colourful scenery also. You can see why so many builders choose to be jet jockies when you look at the final cockpit result at night. I too would be interested in your setup details.


Jordan Farmer
08-19-2009, 12:07 PM
Thats a great looking simulator, great work man, i love it :) And a great approach

Geremy Britton
08-19-2009, 12:32 PM
A iconic textbook approach. Excellent flying. Your sim is excellent. This is the sort of thing i want to be looking very soon in my own flight deck.

08-19-2009, 02:33 PM
Thanks for the comments, guys!

From another thread re my setup:

Software setup is FS9.1, PM, and Thomas Richter's great 737NG software for PMSystems. Visuals are TH2GO, SOL7 warping software, and three EX525ST short throw beamers (not entirely happy with the resolution; looking to upgrade at this time). Everything's running across 6 PCs.

The sounds came from the library here at MyCockpit, but I've made some pretty extensive modifications to them, mixing sounds from a few other packages in, adjusting levels, etc. The gear sound, I believe, is standard from the soundpack I downloaded from here.

08-19-2009, 04:19 PM
True artistry Chris,
It makes me almost want to go back out buy all the parts I sold, connect them to all i still have and do it all over again. Beautiful Chris very motivational. I still remember flying that exact route in mine, all 3 of my CDUs lit up, FCU numbers lit, radios and pedestal lights reflecting off the MIP man sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! , all the overhead operating and rumble under my seat.Gives me goose bumps, thanks again for that brief walk down memorry lane Chris, you have an awesome sim there.Funny Gary was just here visiting and he says he still thinks what I have is awesome lol. Well Gary as the pic on the wall I showed ya, I wish it had looked like it did before for ya.By the hope all is well mate, don't forget to practice :)

Thanks for the comments, guys!

From another thread re my setup:

08-19-2009, 11:47 PM
Chris wich projector do you suggest now a see many short throw projector are only 1024x768...

08-20-2009, 12:36 AM
Chris wich projector do you suggest now a see many short throw projector are only 1024x768...

Not entirely sure, to be honest. I would like to go to something at least one step higher (1280x1024 native). Not that the 1024x768 is necessarily bad; I just know it could be better.

I have the room space to use standard throw projectors, but I used short throws because I can mount them directly on top of my shell and keep the impact to the rest of the room minimal. The ceiling just behind my shell also increases in height by a couple of feet, meaning I'd have to build some sort of mounting structure from the floor to use standard throw beamers.

That would mean a wooden structure sitting in the middle of an otherwise unobstructed (and thus usable) floor. I obviously already have a very tolerant girlfriend.. but that might be pushing things a bit! :shock:

08-20-2009, 10:18 AM
How much does SOL7 software cost, I can't find a link to that info? Additionally does it come on DVD or is there a downloadable version? How exactly do you use it? Is it complicated with a learning curve or lot of messing around? Thanks for iinfo


08-20-2009, 10:37 AM
How much does SOL7 software cost, I can't find a link to that info? Additionally does it come on DVD or is there a downloadable version? How exactly do you use it? Is it complicated with a learning curve or lot of messing around? Thanks for iinfo


Haven't used it yet, but bought it anyway. Here is a quote from an e-mail I received from Andy Boud (very nice person to deal with)

"Our usual process has been providing an evaluation first so you can try
it out to see if it meets your requirements. If this is of interest,
we'd be happy to set-up a download account for you. Then, for those
users who have expressed an interested to purchase a full license, we
have some details here (including pricing which is approx 1/10 of the
commercial release):
http://immersaview.com/PayPalHomeSim.html "


08-20-2009, 11:23 AM
Thanx Maurice,
So about $450 thats not too bad if it really makes a big difference, which it seems too.Dang , only problem I have is for some reason my motherboard dies, I have to buy a whole new SOL7 :(


Haven't used it yet, but bought it anyway. Here is a quote from an e-mail I received from Andy Boud (very nice person to deal with)

"Our usual process has been providing an evaluation first so you can try
it out to see if it meets your requirements. If this is of interest,
we'd be happy to set-up a download account for you. Then, for those
users who have expressed an interested to purchase a full license, we
have some details here (including pricing which is approx 1/10 of the
commercial release):
http://immersaview.com/PayPalHomeSim.html "


08-20-2009, 11:31 AM
only problem I have is for some reason my motherboard dies, I have to buy a whole new SOL7 :(


Nope, I'm pretty sure you can ask for a new key based on my communication with Andy (same as PM). Just send him an e-mail and I'm pretty sure he will confirm that.


08-20-2009, 12:53 PM
Haven't used it yet, but bought it anyway. Here is a quote from an e-mail I received from Andy Boud (very nice person to deal with)

Just expanding on what Maurice said... the folks at Immersaview are great. Absolutely first class.

The warping interface is really intuitive. You basically start with a large checkerboard over the entire screen, with points along the edges to 'warp' it to fit the screen. You add more points along the way, moving and stretching, until the checkerboard fits the screen perfectly, and all squares are the same size. For good measure, once you've done this, the software also provides a facility to overlay a JPG image across the entire setup (a 3840x1024 screenshot from FS9 worked perfectly) to make sure the edges line up and there are no strange warping artifacts that were less noticeable with the checkerboard.

SOL7 also allows easy correction for extreme keystoning, projectors at extreme angles, etc.; all things to keep in mind, especially if you're gonna be using short throw beamers.

The software converted to about US$360 for me, which is a steal for what it does. When you really think about it, it takes every pixel MSFS is generating (3,932,160 of them in my configuration), and remaps them exactly how YOU tell it to, 40 times per second, with absolutely no performance decay. That's pretty incredible!

Huge thanks need to be showered in the direction of Andy and his team for committing to this community by providing the HomeSim version at such a reasonable price. My curved screen would have been impossible without this software, and as I told Andy, it's the best money I've spent on the sim thus far.

08-20-2009, 01:55 PM
By the way Chris, based on your great pictures in Jetphotos.net & railpictures.net, you must have what I would consider a real dream job. I would assume that this is your full time job, or else, your other job must be a dream job as well to allow you the time to take all these great aviation & railway pictures.

I'm not ashamed to admit, I am really jealous indeed. :D But how do you find the time to build a simulator as well?? :shock:


08-20-2009, 04:58 PM
The best investment I made is SOL7.

08-21-2009, 01:25 AM
By the way Chris, based on your great pictures in Jetphotos.net & railpictures.net, you must have what I would consider a real dream job. I would assume that this is your full time job, or else, your other job must be a dream job as well to allow you the time to take all these great aviation & railway pictures.

I'm not ashamed to admit, I am really jealous indeed. :D But how do you find the time to build a simulator as well?? :shock:

Ha.. well, I'm truly flattered, Maurice. Thank you for the nice comments! But even though I own JetPhotos and RailPictures, those aren't my full time job. I'm also the Director of Operations for a company called ADI, which makes the 1/400 and 1/200 scale models under the brand name GeminiJets. I'm sure some of you here have heard of them, or even collect them.

I'm lucky enough in life that all of my "jobs" are in fields I enjoy. I have the job at Gemini, run 5 websites about planes and trains (my two hobbies), and do some contract/freelance photography work for the Alaska Railroad and a few other railroads. Supposedly, I'm also the official contract photographer for US Airways (and have been for 3 years), but I have yet to see any work out of that one, although I have about 50 hours in their Phoenix 757 sim because of it. :grin:

As for time to work on the sim; well, I make time. I'm lucky that my girlfriend is really tolerant of it, since she's always here. She'll sit and watch HGTV for 4 hours in the evenings while I work on it, and never complain. In fact, she came in while I was on approach to PDX the other night and worked the flaps and gear for me. Pretty soon I'll have her fully trained as an F/O, even though I'd rather have her coming in with a tray (with some sort of mixed drink on it) and a F/A uniform. :lol:

I told her I was going to wire the F/A call button to text her cellphone once my overhead arrives. She was, shall we say, "less than amused." :mrgreen: