View Full Version : Can you use track IR with a projector?

Geremy Britton
08-18-2009, 01:52 PM
That's the question: Can you use TrackIR with a projector. I always presumed so but i just sat back and thought it may not actually be possible. I always expected it would work as the porjector is just a large monitor screen in effect. But has anyone tried this?

I was always set on using this for my sim but i've only just thought can it actually be done?

If anyone could help me out on that it would be appreciated before i spend all my money on the new TrackIR 5 to use with it.


Steve A
08-18-2009, 03:20 PM
Most definately mate.. I have a mate who does a lot of driving sims and has a massive projected screen, head tracking is pretty good with pj's but im sure my friend has the reciever part positioned behind him, unlike the conventional way on top of the monitor in front, then he just reverse's the axis in the software, if that makes sense:). I tried it once with freetrack it worked well but i couldnt get "tuned" into it, i felt sea sick lol

No Longer Active
08-18-2009, 03:47 PM
I would of thought so pal, you can make your very own TrackIR for a few quid for your pc just by using a pc camera, a few red LED's and a bit of free software. Just google something like 'home made TrackIR' I have seen a few articles on this, you never know, there may even be a few articles on here somewhere.

Geremy Britton
08-18-2009, 03:59 PM
Steve, That's not a bad idea using the receptor module behind you. Good thinking i'll try it out when i have the kit. I ws just thinking to put the receptor in place of the compass at the bottom of the overhead. However i like your idea a lot better. And that's for resassuring my dream .. now i can carry on building away. I always hate having to change the view when you're taxiing off the taxiway to the runways and to turn on centreline and also when turing into park, landing base leg etc etc.. all thoese things where looking around you and not just tunnel vision in front of you is key. Pleased it should all work :) Just thought i'd check.

Alex, thanks for your solution also, i saw the homemade solutions a long while back and although it may save you money i'm going to go with the TrackIR proper kit. I can't wait to have this working for the outside view... my projector hooked up and trackIR moving the big view to look around.

Great stuff :)

Thanks guys.

08-19-2009, 05:39 AM
Before building a cockpit I used to use Tracker 3 vector with a projector.But instead of the baseball hat I made a device that allowed the reflector to be just below my chin and raised the tracker led device up a few inches but below the projector line of sight and it worked fine.

regards Jim

03-09-2012, 07:02 PM
That's the question: Can you use TrackIR with a projector. I always presumed so but i just sat back and thought it may not actually be possible. I always expected it would work as the porjector is just a large monitor screen in effect. But has anyone tried this?

I was always set on using this for my sim but i've only just thought can it actually be done?

If anyone could help me out on that it would be appreciated before i spend all my money on the new TrackIR 5 to use with it.


I was curious so set mine up today with my dual projectors. As mentioned, if you have long throw projectors behind you, just place the sensor behind you, invert the axis's, and wear the cap backwards. It was easy enough...only took a few minutes and I was up and flying. I am using trackIR 4 software btw although I have trackIR 5 as well. Here is a link to the test flight...


Update: Actually I have placed the sensor in the front again...it does not get affected by the projectors at all as they are projecting to the sides of it.

03-10-2012, 12:50 PM
Actually I have placed the sensor in the front again...it does not get affected by the projectors at all as they are projecting to the sides of it.

Geremy Britton
03-10-2012, 02:16 PM
Thanks for this info, i've not seen this before and was very helpful! :)