View Full Version : Incomplete STARs

08-17-2009, 02:43 PM
Hi all,

I'm having a bit of a problem with the Boeing FMC/CDU.

If I program a STAR with no transition, all is well. Once I select a transition, everything after the transition disappears. For example, if I select the MOD3 arrival (link: http://flightaware.com/resources/airport/SFO/STAR/MODESTO+THREE/pdf) into SFO, with no transition, all is fine. Once I select the OAL transition, everything after MOD (GROAN thru DUMBA) disappears.

Is this a problem with my NavData (it's the stock that came with the software, about 4 months ago) or something else?


08-17-2009, 03:41 PM
Are there any route discontinuity in the legs/route? Sometimes the arrival doesn't display properly if I have a discontinuity. Also, sometimes I have to press EXEC a couple of times for things to display right.

Do you have this problem only on this arrival?

08-19-2009, 01:56 AM
it looks like that the transitions are not completely integrated. If you select an transition all waypoints until the last transition waypoint are erased from STAR.

Best regards

10-24-2009, 10:27 PM
it looks like that the transitions are not completely integrated. If you select an transition all waypoints until the last transition waypoint are erased from STAR.

Best regards

Roland, so you're saying this is an inherent issue with the PM CDU rather than the navdata? Thanks in advance!

10-25-2009, 01:30 AM
With an old AIRAC0907 i check the txt file and it seems ok (i mean with the correct waypoints), but i'm not sure how PM's CDU is working, how needs the txt syntax to be.

So I checked online PM's help about SID/STAR's structure and there is nothing about transitions there. Maybe transitions are not working yet. But if they are working, maybe there is a syntax problem, but we don't have information how it should be.

Try to do the next:
Find MO3 in STARDATA.txt and edit the OAL transition by adding the missing waypoints after MOD like a common Arrival without transitions.

