View Full Version : Annunciator Fabrication

08-16-2009, 06:39 AM
Hi Captains.

I have been having some good results with my CNC router recently, wish I had a camera!

I have built some of my 767 MIP and I now want to build some annunciators for it.

I gather that the usual way to make them is to use clear Acrylic, paint it black and engrave the legend onto it so that the light can shine through the letters.

The problem with that is that the legend is always visible whether it is lit or not and I have a real 767 engine start panel and have noted that when the annunciators are not lit you cannot see what the legend is.

Does anyone know if or how I can achieve this? I want my annunciators blank when they aren't lit if I can do it. (If not I suppose I can live with it!)


08-16-2009, 08:07 AM
hello tom....
have you thought about using the black face as the back of the annunciator and engraving that (back to front of course :o )
i have two symulatory panels done like that and when not backlit the legends are pretty well un-noticeable.....
just a thought.
rgds ... ian

08-17-2009, 04:14 AM
Hi Ian.

Thanks for the tip. Even if it doesnt work it wont cost me a lot to find out.

Im off to order some plastic!
