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View Full Version : Cockpit Startup

Steve A
08-08-2009, 05:42 AM
I have a question which has probably been answered before. :wink:
How do i make external addon software like gauges and in my case freefd not be displaying until i go through my start up procedures. Its impossible for me to have a "cold dark cockpit" when i first enter my cockpit as freefd and a few other standby gauges are already displaying as soon as fsx is started. I want to basically be able to hit my master battery toggle etc and have the cockpit spring to life. I hope i have made my question clear enough and its not to dumb a question :)

Cheers Steve

08-08-2009, 08:15 AM
One easy way:
Plug all your monitors on one single bar with a switch
Have all your programs on Automatic start-up (windows) with your bar (monitors) in the OFF position.
When everything is running switch on the bar toggle and your instruments will come to life,

Steve A
08-08-2009, 09:10 AM
Thanks man, thats so simple i overlooked it, I was searching for software solutions and over complicating things.