View Full Version : 744 Help

07-15-2009, 03:56 PM
I'm building a motion platform. I was planing on build a 737 simpit to sit on it I have been flying PMDG 737 for a while now and thought that was my plan.
Well for about a mont I have flying the PMDG 744 and I thank that I would like to build that as my simulator. One big reason that I was going to build 737 was the parts avableity and the vast advise. So my questions are is there some plans around for a 744 Throttle quad and can you interface with the pmdg 744 softwareI have heard that you can't something todo the the leds forthe anncutors or something. Thanks in advance for all your help.

Jake 747 400
07-15-2009, 05:49 PM
Hey Terry.
I hope this helps.
I am also building a 744 sim, Imusing PMDG and understand the problems with the interface. I got around this by building in a CH Throttle quadrant under the 744 TQ and link the levers to eachother.
I am currently still working on this, but it does work.
I dont know if you have a CH TQ but there are some switches on it etc, I dont know about the TOGA I think there will be a way the interface them with PMDG . Sorry in advance I cant help you with the TOGA switches, but maybe this may give help with th levers.
I made my own TQ as i cant aford to buy one.
There are a few other 744 builders on the site, very good ones too.
If you ever need panels speak to Phil744, his panels are fantastic.
I hope this helps, and solves part of the problem, let us know.
Good luck,

07-15-2009, 07:02 PM
Hi guys,

the owner of the flightdeckbuilder forum here in the Netherlands has built his motorized 747 TQ too. As far as I know he 's milling his panels now with a homemade cnc-router. Maybe he's willing to share the drawings.

Mycockpit stood just in front of flightdeckbuilder.nl on the FsWeekend 2008 :)



07-15-2009, 09:28 PM
Jake, I have been fallowing your progress and seems that you are on the right track. The plan that I have "which is only in my head at this point" was to make a T.Q. with some Slide pots and leo B interface card. What T.Q are you using and where did you get your diamensons. I was also thanking to alter some of the 737 plans that are all over. What type of interface are you thanking about using to talk to pmdg for the overhead and mip? Thanks for all your help

07-16-2009, 12:16 PM
Check your PM bud :)

Captain McDOZ
01-25-2011, 11:17 AM
Hi all!

I'm a newbe here at this forum!
Was searching for drawings / sketches for the 747-400 TQ.
I see here that people directed questions to Phil744.
And so do I, too! Please help me Phil744!
I have almost 500 hour in PMDGs 747-8i (UPS) and I need a flightdeck hardly
My Best // Gert

06-07-2011, 12:36 PM
For everyone reading this: It is possible to get everything working on the 747.
You only need some C++/C/VB knowledge and 1) have enough patience to interogate all pmdg vars or 2)write a flight computer yourselve.
I'm writing it myselve, but I made I that way that it will control pmdg.

06-07-2011, 01:04 PM
Or if you have some budget : http://flightdecksolutions.com/prod_info.php?id=644


06-07-2011, 04:17 PM
Hi Terry,

Although I had to put the building of my 747 pit on hold, at least for a while, I am still following the discussions here and (obviously) with a special
interest for the 747. Here's some hints & tips that might help you going forward.

As far as interfacing is concerned, this is a pretty difficult issue and as such discussed on this forum many times. The reason is simply because the designers of PMDG747 decided (in their infinite wisdom) to not publish the internals of the product.

But their is light at the end of tunnel. The people from flyboys shop (http://www.flyboysshop.com/) made a lights interface that actually does a lot
more than just the annunicator lights. Have a look at their website; you can download a trial version and play around with it, highly recommended.

That still does not make your (real) switches work. But there is more light here as well. FSUIPC (without this tool you cannot do anything) has a
feature called mousetrap. Captain Ian Sisson has written a very informative document on this on his website (http://www.737ng.co.uk/overhead.htm).
Although he has written it for his 737, the same principal can be applied to the 747 overhead (and other panels).

Third light (probably the brightest): there is a new (windows based) 747 in the makes, based on the famous PS1 and PS2 simulators. Developement is still going on but the release date has not been published. However, having used PS1 and PS2 myself, I am absolutely sure it will be worth the wait.
This product is open to basically all I/O so you can input any switch, rotary etc. and all output can be picked up as well.
For details check: http://aerowinx.com/ and/or http://www.aerowinx.com/forum/forum.php?id=1&usebb_sid=llvcb3865bi7dm51m0rnrhoun7

Hope this helps making your way forward.



06-08-2011, 06:04 PM
I was just started building a 737, when I decided that it had to be a 747!
Before, I had already made for about 3 years of resource.
I knew mousetrap, but why using it when you like programming your own glass systems?
Also the light interface didn't impress me.
Have you ever taken a look at FSUIPC var lights (I thought it was &0D0C)?