View Full Version : some more questions.

07-10-2009, 07:48 PM
It seems I am taking 2 steps forward 1 step back. Yesterday the my sim was going good until I had to reinstall it. I am using fsx by the way. I have 2 gpu's one hooked to a matrox triple head and the other for instruments. When i go to window mode and undock the instruments and move them to the bottom screens then go back to reg mode the instruments start bleeking going on and off. I don't know what this could be very frustrating. also know my frame rates started off in the low singles and start going up from there until 16 or so. I have flown with 28fps with same settings. any help will be great

07-10-2009, 08:16 PM
Also when i go to windowed mode the frame rates go up to where they are suppose to so i try to enlarge it and then they go down

07-10-2009, 11:06 PM
First of all FSX performance's is really dependant on your CPU not your GPU. FSX doesn't take full advantage of video cards.

The more video rendering FSX needs to do, your frame rate will go down. So it makes sense when you go to full screen or enlarge your windowed screens = your frame rates go down. The blinking instruments could be a framerate that is below 1. This is why most of us run networked computers with the main FSX computer usually only running just the display and the other networked computers displaying the instruments.

What are your scenery settings/sliders at?