View Full Version : Building a 737

07-02-2009, 11:55 AM
Hi. I am taking flying lessons and have been doing simulators for years. I finally decided it was time to build a cockpit to use. I would like to build a 737 cockpit very realistically but try to keep the cost reasonable. I have no idea where to start and any help you could offer would be much appreciated.

Trevor Hale
07-02-2009, 12:02 PM
Welcome to MyCockpit.

the first thing you should do is a search here in the forum for "Where to begin" You will find about 20+ threads all giving a similar opinion. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and hope to see pictures of your project as you progress.


07-02-2009, 12:03 PM
Roger that. I will check that out. Generally speaking how much am I looking at if I do it reasonably.

Trevor Hale
07-02-2009, 12:09 PM
All of us want to do it cheap. and you would be surprised at how much you can change the feel of your setup, by just adding "Paint" and Plywood.

So I would suggest you have a look at some of the projects here, if you want 100% realistic your looking at 10's of thousands. If your happy with some "Immersion for you to get away form the monitor and keyboard" you would be amazed what 500 bucks will do for you.

It's all about what you want.


07-02-2009, 04:49 PM
Ya I hear ya. I'm definitely not willing to spend 10's of thousands. I am not tied to doing a 737 either. I would like to try and do fairly real for around 1000 bucks. Any specific threads I should look at with that in mind?

07-03-2009, 04:36 PM
I had the same dilema, i.e I wanted a realistic sim for less than £1000. In the end I decided to build a Learjet 45 as I wanted a Jet with a simple layout and no overhead panel to worry about. For more info check out my website and Links page.


07-03-2009, 08:44 PM
Hi there,
Likewise - I think few of us have 1000s to spare for a hobby, and even those that do want good value for their money. I'm working on an A3xx cockpit. The largest single expense is a new PC at almost £700. The current estimate to completion is probably under £2000. I'm doing almost all the work myself, building my own panels etc.

Having said that, I've also spent more than 9 months doing nothing but research, googling, reading, scouring this and other forums, and asking questions. Research, research and research - cannot emphasize is enough.

If there is a single plane you love to fly, build that. The 737 certainly is hugely popular, so you can find a lot of information and parts. If you want something more generic, then really the world is your oyster. You can build a cockpit to suit yourself!

Just my opinion of course, and open to correction...:p

07-03-2009, 08:58 PM
I am looking at Hispapanels and saw that they are very reasonably priced and I could do all the panels for just over 2000 euros. I may be willing to spend that. Anyone have any experience with those parts and assembly, connections, etc?

07-03-2009, 09:15 PM

You are learning flight, so you know what's basic for an airplane.
Just build THE IVA jet and add whatever systems you do not have on your trainer and you dream of....it is your life and your airplane!
You are the designer, engineer, test pilot, mechanic, and project Chief Financial Officer.. let your imagination loose.
I did my first sim out of cardboard, based on a 757, with a home made throttle quad, and I went all over the world with it . First time I pushed forward those two levers instead of the page up key and the engines roared to life I was King of the Runway!
And I think I had much more fun with it than the close replica of a 737 I am building now.
Any basic interface card with 20+buttons will allow you to have a real switch for this and a real lever for that...and this is where the thrill begins...and all this is available within your budget.
As Nigel said wisely: "Just my opinion of course, and open to correction..."

07-03-2009, 10:12 PM
Just to make sure I get this correctly each switch or lever takes one spot on the interface card correct?

07-03-2009, 10:28 PM
I dug around the forums here and found an interface card. I do have one question though. From what I can tell if you do switches it involves some circuitry. Looking at the picture at the bottom of this page can someone give me the gist of what I need to buy and put together based on this. http://desktopaviator2.tripod.com/Instructions/Model_2040/index.htm

Capt Bobby
07-04-2009, 11:37 AM
I dug around the forums here and found an interface card. I do have one question though. From what I can tell if you do switches it involves some circuitry. Looking at the picture at the bottom of this page can someone give me the gist of what I need to buy and put together based on this. http://desktopaviator2.tripod.com/Instructions/Model_2040/index.htm
Hi IVA739,

The Model 2040 from Desktop Aviator does require you to build additional circuitry out of a readily available H11AA1 or H11AA2 opto-isolator and other components. When built, these components product a short 1/4 second pulse when the Single Pole Double Throw toggle switch is flipped from one position to the other.

Building the H11AA1 circuit is time consuming and if you have limited experiance in electronics; very fustating.

May I recommend DTAs Model 2120


This board does not need the added circuitry. The 1/4 second pulse generator is already programmed into its USB chip. All you need to add is a standard Single Pole Single Throw Toggle switch (up to 20 toggle switches can be added to the same board) and a USB Cable. That's It!

Just program each toggle switch using the available functions provided with your FS software or by using FSUIPC.

No Electronics Background is need. It really easy.


This animated graphic will give you an idea on how the 2120 works.


With each flip of the toggle, the 2120 produces a pulsed output. By adding 19 more switches, you have the makings of one really fine instrument panel.

07-04-2009, 11:40 AM
Ok that is very doable for me. The only problem I saw after researching some more into Hispapanels is that you have to build your own circuits for the MCP and other items. Please correct me if I am wrong on this. If I don't have to make my own circuits and can just use the interface card you showed me I can probably go that route.

09-21-2009, 10:24 PM
Hi from Abbotsford BC Canada. why would you want to have a puilsed on? .... so either the switch is thrown down or up ... it just gives a momentary 'pulse'?? Where would you apply that in a 737 cockpit for instance. Lastly, Do you have any idea where one can get hardware interface circuits for the AP? so when you say: engage the alt. the led/light stays on in the switch. In other words, how do you get the light to stay on on your hardware sw.?

Robert ( 61 yr old flight enthusiast )

09-22-2009, 02:05 AM
The pulse is like hitting a key on the keyboard, same thing. The lights staying on comes from the outputs of your IO card (ie phidgets 16/16). MY autopilot panel uses pulses to activate the different functions, then when the sim says that function is active the light stays on. There is more to it when you start dealing with outputs.

The 2120 board given earlier is strictly input, you will need an output card to get lights.

My website explains how my AP panel works.

09-24-2009, 03:54 PM
HI there ....Thanks for your response! ... I confess I'm not sure how this is 'tied in' yet ...but I'll look at your site. I am really trying ard to connect my toggle switches etc.etc. to the FSX so, that I can have the outside views ONLY on my 3 LCD screens 9 later to be projectors. I just am not sure haow to approach it .... and how do you get the instruments to work and have the right spacing around a LCD screen? Would be great if someone or Co. would systematically provide step by step details ...even at some info. cost .... to build a SIM Flight deck.
