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View Full Version : Uploading pictures

07-02-2009, 09:13 AM
I posted it at the end of Simon's thread but repeat it here:
Uploading "Mega" pictures slows down everything terribly and makes a mess of the format, (for me and Matt at least)
When you are uploading a pic , why not reduce the size to 4-5 inches and the weight to around 200k, and crop what does not belong to the sbject. Can be done in a few clicks with Photoshop or any image soft
A lttle bit of editing before uploading will make a big difference.
My 2 cents Guys, have a great day.

Geremy Britton
07-02-2009, 09:33 AM
Nevermind photoshop you can do it in paint, which last time i looked is standard on 75% of PC's. Take you 60 seconds max. :)

Thanks for that Jack, It should keep the site running quickly and efficiently and not to mention the browser is distorted when huge pictures are added, you have to end up scrolling across the screen, and as there is no 'zoom' on the uploaded photos it's not a case of members' resizing it it's down to the uploader. However i must say mycockpit does automatically resize many pictures to a managable size so it's not always a problem.

... In Fact, it has been posted here somewhere a while back but this site is just the job for this kind of stuff:


No Longer Active
07-02-2009, 09:46 AM
Yep Gez is right!....MS Paint is how I shrink all my pics....

Its a long story how I do it, but I do it every time without compromising quality.

I like to get my pics as small as possible when I upload everything.

And the site that Gez has linked upto is very good too!

07-05-2009, 06:46 AM
There is even an easier way - No graphic program required:

1. In Windows XP (Don't know about Vista) - go to the folder where you store your images.

2. Select all the images you want to make smaller and right-click - Choose Send To -> Mail Recipient.

3. A dialog "Send Pictures via E-Mail" will appear. Make sure the radiobutton "Make all my pictures smaller" is clicked.

4. Click the "Show more options..." link and make sure the "Small (fits in a 640 by 480) radio button is selected (or any other option depending on your needs)

5. Click the OK buton and the smaller images will be send to an new blank email.

6. Detach or Save all the images from the blank email.

It is important to note that your original images will not be resizes. It makes smaller copies of the images.