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View Full Version : need help on how to make a Push to talk Button on Yoke

06-25-2009, 11:04 PM
Im Looking for a way to make a Button that i can hold in my and and push it to talk! And i guess try to set it up to be really simple. Was thinking of maybe USB if i could and have it be able to be assigned to a key stroke. Any ideas on how i could do this. Wanting to use it for when i do ATC online and also for when i fly online. I could even try to do the same thing but put it on a yoke for when i fly.... Thanks in Advance

06-26-2009, 02:53 AM
Hi! If I understand you correct.....

You can assign any free button on a device to do what you wish trough the registred version of FSUIPC. Go to the Buttons tab in FSUIPC and push the button you want to use and then tick the FS functions box and from the drop down list you choose Ptt transmit for the push and Ptt stop transmit for the release.

I'm not 100% sure of the functions name since I'm not infront of my fs pc but it's self instructive once you're there

Geremy Britton
06-26-2009, 11:03 AM
...or if you are using vox atc within that program there is an assisgnment for this function provided with the software.

06-26-2009, 04:40 PM
k but im wanting to solder all of the parts and make a PTT button and hook it up to the PC so i can use it with FS or VRC for ATC. Just cant think on how i can make a button hook up to the PC to begin trying to make it work. if that makes since

06-26-2009, 04:48 PM
In that case you'll need an interface card or something similar. I seem to remember something about a cheap usb connected interface.

But that's an unnecessary complicated, and for just one button, a very expensive way. Why invent the wheel again? :)

06-27-2009, 03:03 AM
LOL yeah but looking for a way to make a button hook up to the computer via USB. In a way maybe make it to wear the PC thinks it a joystick or something then i can use this other program and make it a key stroke.

06-27-2009, 04:38 AM
I set up the right click button on a USB mouse to activate the push to talk function in FS9 once, would that work for you?

06-27-2009, 03:31 PM
Could but then if i plug in a USB mouse then try to use it as a PTT then the main mouse wouldnt work right because there would be two plugged in. but thats for the idea.

Glenn Weston
06-28-2009, 08:38 AM
You can plug multiple USB Keyboards & Mice in to a PC & they will all work.

I think the limit is something like 16 Of them on one machine from memory.

I have also had USB keyboards & Mice mixed in with PS/2 Keyboards & Mice, they all work together without any problems.

Cheers Glenn

06-28-2009, 10:13 AM
Maybe I miss something but any button on any joystick will do !!!
Just plug a joystick in, pull out one button with its two wires hook it to whatever pushgizmo you want . ??!!!

06-29-2009, 05:46 PM
NO NO NO ok im looking for a Button that i can make to plug into the PC... and yeah i could plug more then one mouse in but they both would have the same function as left click and so on i wouldnt be adding any buttons by doing that i would only be making more of the same buttons that i already have so that wouldn't work at all. And i could take a joystick apart that might work but looking for a cheaper route that i can also make for other people here in town with out breaking the bank trying to make one button for this person and that person and my self.

06-29-2009, 06:31 PM
The absolute cheapest way is to buy the most simpel joystick you can find. Even that one will have a button to use. You can't just make a button and connect it to the pc. You need to have an interface of some kind. And you can't get a cheaper one than a joystick.