View Full Version : Logics in pmsystems...

12-19-2006, 05:53 PM

Has anyone some trick with which programming in pmsystems always works?? I finished the design part of my Airbus A310 Overhead Panel and now I have to do the whole Logics but I really don't know where to begin or how...
Was anyone in the same situation as I am now??



01-04-2007, 05:13 AM
Hi Tom,


As well as you I´m also waiting since I bought the PMSystems software for a kind of manual or instructing paper explaining the programming language and the commands available.
If I remember correctly, quite a while ago Enrico announced that something should be on its way.

Luckily Thomas Richter is of great help here, but I´d like to avoid bothering Thomas with all kind of questions and do the programming on my own.

Let´s wait, pray and see;)

Best rgds


Bob Reed
01-04-2007, 11:23 AM
Hi guys. It probably would not hurt to ask or send a FRIENDLY little reminder to support@projectmagenta.com so you don't get forgot. THere is always a lot going on over there. If Enrico promised something he will follow through!

01-04-2007, 04:34 PM
Hi Bob,

you´re right, but don´t you think there should be at least a short description of the available commands with prob. some examples coming along with the application program?
May be I´m too stupid to figure it out myself or I´m too lazy to spent hours or days to find out by trial and error.
I´m fully with you that Enrico and his team are doing a great job and are delivering a superb support.
Where do you guys get all that necessary info from which enables you to, for example, program obverhead logics in PM Systems?
May be backward engineering would do, but that probably not the right way.
I think the support team has enough to do answering tricky questions rather than answering stupid onces which could easily be avoided by some minimum documentation. ;)

Hope Enrico is reading in this forum too.

Best regards


Bob Reed
01-04-2007, 05:17 PM
Hey guys! Well I must admit.....I use the 737 that Thmoas wrote. If I was going to do one on my own... I think I would start by using Thomas's and adapt it. See how he is doing things and change them as needed. The offsets are all listed in the PM docs..Will this be easy.... No..... But it would get you going. There are a number of things in the 737 file that with a little tinkering you could use. And there is the A320 file that comes with the softwaer... Between the 2 I think it would be a start. And do not be affraid to ask Thomas he is always willing to share his knowledge. You might ask him if he has any docs for doing this. He may have written a few...Just a thought...