View Full Version : change engines

06-24-2009, 11:56 PM
I bought the Flight illusion engine cluster about one year ago, then I started the construction of a Cessna turboprop. The engine cluster is working perfectly with the beechcraft but not with the Cessna because it has no ITT but EGT and prop rpm doesn't work also with the Cessna. I was thinking h changing the aircraft.cfg file and taking the engine section of the beech iso the Cessna figures ? also I prefer the beech sound.
Is this possible ?

Thanks and fly safe

Fs9, XP, FDS,F.I.

06-25-2009, 06:45 AM
You should be able to just copy the panel.cfg files into the Cessna a/c and sound files as well. This way you will still get the model pictures of the cessna and handeling characteristisc of the Cessna with the beech instruments and sounds. But always remember to back up your origional files so you can always restore to the origional if it doesnt work properly or the way you want.

06-25-2009, 11:47 PM
Thanks Trev I'll try that

06-26-2009, 04:10 AM
sorry i forgot to add that you also need to copy all the panel bmp files as well or it will not know what pictures to load up for the panels. easiest way i think is to back up entire panels directory in the a/c and then copy the beech panel folder to the cessna a/c. This also goes for the sounds as well.