View Full Version : New Idea

Jake 747 400
06-15-2009, 02:35 PM
Hey everyone.
Ive been thinking how to interface my throttle quadrant.
When the light bulb came on.
I have a CH throttle quadrant, so I'm going to mount it under my 744 TQ and connect each lever to my CH TQ levers, calibrate to idle and full positions in FS and bingo I have a working TQ.
I can also do this for the flaps and speedbreak.
I have a seperate idea for the reversers.

Geremy Britton
06-15-2009, 02:52 PM
Yep! Indeed that is an option and can be done.. i've seen it done before. Realy quick and simple although some like to buy the pots and wire them up by hand. Although more expecsive that part is done if investing in a CH products TQ

When you move the actual TQ handle you have made it will push the CH Products yoke below it in the opposite direction. Just be aware when assisgning the axis they are the othe way around (ie. Throttle forward is reducing throttle on the CH TQ which will need to be callibrated to indeed be increasing thrust. If that makes sense.

All the best on the project.

Jake 747 400
06-15-2009, 02:57 PM
Hey, thanks.
So on the axis settings would I just tick the reverse axis box.
It was great that I had the CH TQ, I got it about 2 years ago before I even thought about building a sim.
Thanks for the reply.

Geremy Britton
06-15-2009, 03:01 PM
Indeed. That will work suffice. It's because if you imagine the pivot of the TQ and when the throttles are maxed out underneath the casing the opposite end to the end you hold is actually in the opposite positision to where the head of the throttle is. So yes reversing is fine, and that doesn't even need FSUIPC just to tick that box in Flight sim calibrations.

Jake 747 400
06-15-2009, 03:03 PM
This has made things very easy and simple.
Im going to start on this tommorow.
Should be fun to do.