View Full Version : Cessna Citation Mustang Build

06-13-2009, 09:23 AM
Last year I began buiulding a Learjet45. I was at the point of getting panels made when the vendor suddenly pulled the plug on building them for me and many others. At this point I decided to buy a CNC and do the panels myself. I soon learned how to make the panels on the CNC as well as learning Corel Draw and various Cad/Cam packages. This panels for the Lear not coming through was actually a blessing in disguise becauase it forced me to learn a new skill that now opens up a world of possibilities to me. In January of this year I found and fell in love with another aircraft. The Flight1 Cessna Citation Mustang. I soon became very torn between the Lear and the Mustang and eventually tore down my Lear pit and decided to go full steam ahead into the Mustang project. I have the MIP backing (monitor mounting) now done and am about 80 percent through all the artwork and panel design in Corel. Soon I will be cutting the lower panels and eventually hope to duplicate the G1000 Bezels for the PFDs and MFD. Should be a fun and rewarding project. Here are some pictures of the MIP as it is now.



I will post more as I build more :-)



06-13-2009, 09:57 AM
very nice lay out it looks expencive!!!!!! good work:p

06-13-2009, 11:54 AM
"tore down my Lear pit" You must be mad LOL :)

Looks great Scott, I particularly like the Standby Gauges :-P

06-13-2009, 12:51 PM
Hi Scott,

Interesting post on your switch from the Lear to the Mustang.

I too am looking at a switch to the Mustang. Currently have a twin turbo-prop sim.

I'm at a hold point with the interface. F1 has not provided any information on keyboard commands for the aircraft panel switches and rotaries. Also, I've had problems using FSUIPC Mouse Macros with the Mustang panels.

Curious what your interface plan is for the Mustang?

06-13-2009, 01:31 PM
Like those guages huh Dave? :-) Nice work! Now you can claim to have guages in Cessna's also!
(for those who are unaware, TasKiNG, made some great standalone guages for the Lear 45 and you can obtain them on his site (http://www.learjet45chimera.co.uk).

As for interfacing...many offsets do in fact work for the F1 Mustang even though they say they dont depend on them. I have my GoFlight 166s controlling the radios right now so I know the Nav/Comm on the G1000 is easily interfaced. I have many of the MCP functions already working with offsets through SIOC script along with many of the lower panel switches (eng start, lights, avionics, generators, anti-ice, etc.)

The stuff that is left will be interfaced using AutoHotKey which works fine. Yes, you are correct, FSUIPC mouse macros and Key2Mouse will not work as they will crash the sim. AutoHotKey however works just fine.


Per Alm
06-14-2009, 02:52 AM
Very nice pics!:)
Our Learsim project has developed from a Learjet cockpit to a more custom pit which has, I think, some "Bombardier and Embraer feel" to it. The flying is still the same so it doesn´t really matter. We have more or less the same set of instuments as all bizjets so I think you will not miss anything in your new pit!

And now when you have a CNC-machine you might even consider making some custom panels for your pit:D

We have panels covering basic FS options and ATC for exemple to get rid of the original keyboard from the pit during flights.

Good luck with your new project!

You are still part of the bizjet-family!!:-D


Per Alm

06-14-2009, 07:55 AM
Thanks for the compliments Per.

I am almost ready to start cutting the lower panels for the Mustang. Finished all the artwork and design last night. I also am getting some steel backers made by Tom. The backers will take all the switches and the front panels I am making will be all backlit and overlay the steel backers like the real deal.

Your pit is always an inspiration of course as it is probably the most complete bizjet anyone has seen.

We'll see where this takes me. I have some Lear panels already built but the Mustang is just so sweet to fly I cant stay away from it :-)
I also will soon be transitioning to the G1000 in my real life flying as I undertake an instrument rating so the Mustang doubles as a great trainer for me.


06-14-2009, 04:28 PM
Its funny as you know im more of a fan of the big Boeings, but i do have a soft spot for this little aircraft, maybe another project for me.

I have also had many requests for panels for the mustang, so i though i would give one a go


John Simms
06-14-2009, 05:45 PM
First class work Phil. Looks perfect.

06-14-2009, 07:12 PM

Nice work Phil!

08-23-2009, 08:09 AM
Here are a couple new videos I made in my Mustang.

The first is from a flight I made from Phoenix Sky Harbor to Aspen CO (KASE) in summertime.


This second one was done Friday night flying into Telluride,CO (KTEX) using the GPS Rwy 9 approach. I hand flew it right down to minimums and broke out right at 500 ft right on the numbers. Not as pretty on the scenery as the first one but very much higher on the excitement factor.

ATC is Radar Contact.


Hopefully i will get done with my panels soon and can stop flying with the mouse!


08-23-2009, 08:41 AM
Looks awsome Scott

08-23-2009, 10:04 AM
Very cool!!!

08-24-2009, 02:32 AM
Great work, looks very nice, by the way, what do you use for your G1000 panels? The PFD and MFD look awesome!

08-24-2009, 07:13 AM
Those panels come with the Flight1 Mustang software.

For those of you who havent tried the Mustang and would like to try a G1000...this is your bird. Flight1 has done an awesome job duplicating the G1000 functionality. They included Navigraph and have full SIDS and STARS in the database. I fly a 172 with the G1000 in real life and I have to say that this simulation is the best I have seen. The plane is modeled also perfectly with lifelike flight characteristics and all systems functioning including pressurization and anti-icing. It has a ceiling of 41000ft and TAS of 340kts making it the perfect plane for shorter hops (1100nm or less), single pilot capable, yet much faster than a twin prop.

It will be somewhat challenging to interface but I believe it can be done with a combination of offsets and the use of a program called "Autohotkey". FSUIPC Mouse Macros and Key2Mouse do not work however so be aware.


08-24-2009, 07:49 AM
Hi Scott,

Very nice setup and I enjoyed the videos. Thanks.

Sure would be nice to know why F1 will not add a user assignable keyboard command feature? Reality XP has had that with their GNS 530 software for quite a while.


08-24-2009, 03:56 PM
wow amazing work!:cool:

08-25-2009, 03:00 AM
Hi Scott,

Very nice setup and I enjoyed the videos. Thanks.

Sure would be nice to know why F1 will not add a user assignable keyboard command feature? Reality XP has had that with their GNS 530 software for quite a while.


I made the same request of Jim Rhoads at F1 when the FSX PC12 was in development and the reply was cost. The extra functionality in the software to cater for keyboard commands couldn't be reclaimed in sales. He said the increase in price would push the addon out of the market. Their research also indicated that it was a small percentage of users that would make use of this functionality.

The bottom line wins out again.


08-25-2009, 07:38 AM
Appears to me F1 is just refusing to provide us that capability. Some of the default FSX keyboard commands do work so how much extra work could it be to add the rest?

08-25-2009, 08:17 AM
Appears to me F1 is just refusing to provide us that capability. Some of the default FSX keyboard commands do work so how much extra work could it be to add the rest?

Alot of offsets do infact work fine. I also am using GoFlight radios just fine and those work off the offsets also so I know that can be done with our own rotaries no problem. The FMS Knob and all of the PFD and ND softkeys will need to be done using mouseclicks

The only successfull way I have figured out how to do this (and it seems to work fine) is with "Autohotkey".

08-25-2009, 10:13 AM

Is the AutoKey script file specific to ones computer or is it a generic type file?

Why I ask is, would you consider sharing that AutoKey file?

08-25-2009, 10:37 AM
Unfortunately it is specific as you have to define which free keystrokes you have available for each function then for each you need to specify the coordinates on your screen of where the pointer needs to go and click. This will be different for each person. When I finish mine I will be happy to share it and then you can just modify.

08-25-2009, 10:53 AM
Appears to me F1 is just refusing to provide us that capability. Some of the default FSX keyboard commands do work so how much extra work could it be to add the rest?

Let me be one to chime in give a very big thumbs up to Flight1. I love their company, policies, and products. However, I have a very hard time believing that it would costs their customers too much for this added functionality, and this is due to having first hand experience with development of a soon to be released avionics package. The developer simply obtains dedicated offsets through Peter D. and then implements them as needed. Nothing more to it. I agree with N242AM- they are just likely not wanting (for whatever respected reason) to provide the functionality. If they build the system into the software, it's a matter of assigning a keystroke or offset to it. The are already programming, why not add the line of code that ties the keystroke/offset to the function? At any rate, I believe that adding the functionality would increase sales simply because in the case of the PC12, there's quite a few folks that'd love to build a full size sim of one but cant due to the limitations.

08-25-2009, 11:15 AM

I understand. I was wondering about the screen positioning after reading the online documentation where you have to get the physical coordinates of the click spot. That very well could vary with different screen sizes or panel position on the display monitor.

Do you know if AutoHotKey works when an aircraft panel is not in focus? Must you have the Mustang Lighting panel visible and in focus for AutoHotKey to work? Again, something I read or mis-read in the documentation. One reason that FSUIPC Mouse Macros was such a treat is that the panels need not be visible or in focus for it to work.


I very much agree with you. Why take the time to include generic FSX keyboard commands but not specific ones for the Mustang's custom panels? Very irritating.

08-25-2009, 03:43 PM
So long as the panel is not minimized then Autohotkey will work with it. When you write your autohotkey script you program it so that pressing a key puts the relevant window in focus before performing the mouse action or key press.
Regarding Autohotkey, I ran into a number of issues with it taking too long to switch focus between different windows. I am now using AutoIT http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/index.shtml which I find is quicker and more configurable. With AutoIT you can also specify a mouse position either referenced to the top-left of the screen or referenced to the top-left of a window.

08-25-2009, 05:10 PM
So long as the panel is not minimized then Autohotkey will work with it. When you write your autohotkey script you program it so that pressing a key puts the relevant window in focus before performing the mouse action or key press.
Regarding Autohotkey, I ran into a number of issues with it taking too long to switch focus between different windows. I am now using AutoIT http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/index.shtml which I find is quicker and more configurable. With AutoIT you can also specify a mouse position either referenced to the top-left of the screen or referenced to the top-left of a window.

Thanks for that Dave. I noticed it to before taking a little longer than I would like. So this works and works better :-)

I will have to try. Can you send me one of your scripts again? Did you do this on your fmc?

08-25-2009, 06:55 PM
Can you send me one of your scripts again? Did you do this on your fmc?

I've sent it to your email address.

09-06-2009, 10:30 PM
Here is a new video. Flight I did from Kodiak Alaska to Dutch Harbor, home of the Deadliest Catch. Thought it would be cool. It was a fun circle to land visual approach.



09-06-2009, 10:57 PM
Another great video!!

Per Alm
09-07-2009, 07:21 AM
Great video! Looking forward to see more as your project develops.

Regards / Per

03-13-2010, 06:46 PM
Looks Great, FE. very nice. Is anyone making panels? I've been thinking about the Simkits G1000 screens, anyone like to make two panels :-)


01-27-2011, 06:45 AM
Would Project Magenta's GA Glass cockpit work with this aircraft? It works with FSUIPC. Its not a true G1000, but its really close.

01-27-2011, 03:14 PM
Wow! Amazing work!! What throttle are you using for your project??



04-14-2012, 03:27 PM

I know that this is an old thread, but there aren't many who have built a cockpit for the Cessna Citation.

I am a new user, got hooked onto FSX. I was always a flight nut. Want to build a home cockpit. Don't want something as complex as a full size jet and as simple as a Cessna 172.
anyway, I have some questions

1) Do you have any updates to share ?
2) Which Cessna Citation plane is good to buy and provides features to fully interface with hardware ?
3) In not Cessna Citation, which is similar ?
4) I felt the cessna citation was easier with the glass cockpit. that saves some hardware interfacing ? you agree ?

5) Which software to use with fsuipc for the glass cockpit instruments ?
6) Which hardware gauges, interface boards and interface software to use ? example, which attitude guage can I buy and how to interface it with this plane ?
which interface card / etc to use to interface with a rocker switch?

7) Have you thought of using a project to achieve more realism?

8) I have a full fledged factory and can bulid hardware panels and electronics.

07-16-2015, 09:55 AM
Hello everybody,

yes, I know this thread is really old now, but, vicay, you wrote here exactly what I'm thinking, too:
I also currently considering building a glass cockpit for a light business jet like the Cessna Citation Mustang - not so complex like a big Boing/Airbus plane, but not "only" a Cessna 170.

vicay, therefore I would be really curious if you finished your project:
did you build a Cessna Mustang cockpit or did you choose another plane at the end?

how many other cockpit builders with "light business jets" are here?

Thanks for any ideas

10-12-2015, 10:45 AM
Hello Andreas,

I'm also busy right now to build a Citation mustang.
Switch panels are ordered with Dean Ruscool.nz
I have the emuteq g1000 of steve master and flight1 G1000 student&cockpit builder.
I use an old 15" screen for the MFD.
The problem with F1 software is they only have 6 cessna plane and not the mustang.
I guess I have to work on the aircraft.cfg file.
Let me know your progress.

Gerard ( Belgium)

10-12-2015, 12:48 PM
The problem with F1 software is they only have 6 cessna plane and not the mustang.

Yes, they do:

10-13-2015, 01:41 AM
Hi Avro,

Yes, but I'm talking about the Garmin F1 technology software at 250$ which apparently has nothing to see with the Flight1 software.

Best regards
