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View Full Version : AirFrance Auto-pilot NOT working!

No Longer Active
06-06-2009, 12:10 PM
Read all about it!


Matt Olieman
06-06-2009, 01:13 PM
I wonder if that automatic msg was sent after the electrical failure and break-up or before.

Let's speculate some more..... Hard to say, right?

Let's say the aircraft looses altitude, with autopilot on, it will climb, what if the engines were off. Time to disengage autopilot. I suppose there are many scenarios for the autopilot to be off. Way beyond my expertise or lack of it.

Matt Olieman

06-10-2009, 12:58 PM
Just my two cents,

With all due respect to all the members here at MyCockpit and taking into account the large loss off life, the lack of CVR FDR etc perhaps we should leave the speculation to the tabloids and the investagation of this terrible loss to the experts.

We all share this fantastic love of aviation and it pains us all to hear of these events. Lets remember the dead and those who mourn their loved ones and await closure. A close friend I work with knew one of the Irish dead and I had met the young lady in question only a few weeks back.

I am certain, that Air France the French government and Airbus along with the help of the local Governments will do their best to figure out what really happened that Monday night.

Lets do what we do here best, build our version of the planes and helicopters we love most.



06-10-2009, 01:27 PM
I agree too... It is way to early to say the AP was not working plus if you have an electrical failure or any other massive failure the first thing you loose is the AP... Also if you have an unreliable speed indication the first thing you do is disconnect the AP so don't jump to conclusions....



06-10-2009, 02:16 PM
Just my two cents,

With all due respect to all the members here at MyCockpit and taking into account the large loss off life, the lack of CVR FDR etc perhaps we should leave the speculation to the tabloids and the investagation of this terrible loss to the experts.

We all share this fantastic love of aviation and it pains us all to hear of these events. Lets remember the dead and those who mourn their loved ones and await closure. A close friend I work with knew one of the Irish dead and I had met the young lady in question only a few weeks back.

I am certain, that Air France the French government and Airbus along with the help of the local Governments will do their best to figure out what really happened that Monday night.

Lets do what we do here best, build our version of the planes and helicopters we love most.



First off James Im so very sorry to hear of the loss of your new friend thats just terrible news to hear your were personally touched by this tragedy. As I respect Roberto's expertise very highly and have for a long time, seeing as he flies these A/C regularly, however and before anyone gets their hair up in a Tizzy, read carefully all my words a few times before replying to it, As I see Matt O was really the only person that could possibly have been referenced in both James and Roberto's comments regarding jumping to conclusions however "I COULD BE WRONG REGARDING THEIR REFERENCES" but the way it reads to me is that Mtt O kind got jumped on for speculating. Now again if I'm mistaken GREAT! FANTASTIC! if not then the next point I make will apply. I have known Matt O a very long time and consider him a good friend and if anyone is deeply troubled and saddened by this type of tragedy its Matt. I also know Matt needs no one to explain his actions or stand up for him. I do this because I see something that requires some clarification. James and Roberto are DEAD RIGHT let experts conclude the cause, let tabloids speculate,however as I see it Matt was merely stating some interesting options but did clearly state it is way out of his expertise and therefore cant truly speculate. I just felt guys a bit defensive when I saw James and Roberto both make very firm almost chastising like comments and seeing as Matt was the only one post that said anything it appeared to finger pointed directly at him, (which like I said may have not been the case) then Im going to feel a bit defensive of my friend. So overall I agree noone should speculate on what happened in a way that could create someone to take it as fact, but to tell ppl not to converse and discuss options about something that affects all of us who love aviation is truly out of line. Everyone here has the right to discuss options, opinons , thoughts and possibilities thats what makes human communication so wonderful, however if someone personally and sadly touched by this terrible even is affected by reading such conversation my recommendation is don't read something that hurts you. So conclusion is if you don't wish to be part of the discussion that some here may wish to have then avoid the topic and if you do wish to please be careful in how you put your words so as to not create false realities. As in Matt's case he was very careful to have stated that he was merely postulating and not stating facts. JMO :)


06-11-2009, 12:31 AM
I actually wasn't jumping on Matt in no way... Actually more in the Title of the post cause it is like saying that the AP was off "AirFrance Auto-pilot NOT working!" Just wanted to clarify that in an emergency you do loose the AP which is different to not being on.

Matt Olieman
06-11-2009, 07:16 AM
It's in the perception of how someone writes word. It's hard to interpret what someone really means without looking at them in the eyes or hand gestures.

Matt Olieman