View Full Version : Poldragonet 737 panel/ How To

04-23-2009, 04:38 PM
I am a nerd when it comes to setting up my computer so I really need some help. I recently purchased a 737 panel from Poldragonet. No instructions for making the panel work came with the panel. I had purchased a servo card from opencocpits with their gear handle, and flaps guage, but found out ti get it to work I had to have an exe file called SIOC software, also I by recommendation purchased a Phidgets 64 card, and a Leo bednar 86x card. Does anyone know how to get these items to work?, sure the Phidgets light the leds, but how do you get the gear leds to function properly (3 red for transition, 3 grn for down). Any help would be appreciated, and please remember I'm an idiot when it comes to computers. Thanks in advance Dave