View Full Version : Two Engines Per Lever

03-28-2009, 01:29 PM
Hello MyCockpit.org community. I've recently gotten a new FS computer and installed my favorite add-on, the CLS A340-500/600. Until Airsimmer comes out, it's pretty much the best on the market. In my opinion, it leaves Wilco in thee dust.

So anyways, the last time I flew it I had the Saitek X-52. I still have it, but I purchased a Saitek Throttle Quadrant (which I modified) and Attack 3 Joystick (Which was voted the best by Airsimmer for Airbus flying) for more realism for flying Airbuses (which about 80% of my virtual flying revolves around).

Some time in the future, I'm going to buy a second Saitek Throttle Quad, but for now I'd just like a 'free' solution to a problem that I'm having.

Before I tell you what the problem is, I'll tell you how I currently have the levers assigned. They are set up so that the far left one has a red cap and controls elevator trim (much like in the 777), and the two other ones have black caps to control engines 1 and 2.

So here's the problem. When I used the X-52 for all of my flying, I could fly any aircraft, one, two, three, or 4 engines, and not have any problems. However now that I'm using the Saitek Throttle Quad (modified), I'm limited to one or two engines without giving up realism or elevator trim.

So here's what I'd like to do. I want to have things set up so that the lever that controls engine 1 also controls engine 3, and the lever that controls engine 2 also controls engine 4. That way, I can fly two engine and 4 engine aircraft realistically.

I asked this question at my Virtual Airline, but everybody there is a 'Registered FSUIPC' fanatic. They told me to buy it, but my thought on that is 'if I have to buy it, why not just spend almost t he same amount and get a second throttle quad?'. However that wouldn't be my preferable solution, as it would take a while to modify to be like the other one.

So could somebody tell me if it's possible (using default FSX axis assignments, Saitek programming software, or something that's free) to assign the levers this way?


03-28-2009, 02:17 PM
Registered FSUIPC is the base of the Pyramid. The keystone, the master key, the Rosetta Stone, it is an enabler, enhancer, translator, assistant..etc. It is the most bang for your buck, and when you do buy it, get a registered version of Wide FS, while your at it.

If you are this far in the hobby, you will most likely go deeper into it and before you get much deeper (like for instance exaclty where your at now) you WILL need it.

There may be other ways, but why, FSUIPC will fix it now, and allow you to expand your command and control much further, and earlier in the chronology of your build. I rode the fence with an un registered version for about a week, and after the purchase I could make the sim do what I needed with only a few mouse clicks.

Go ahead and get it....we'll wait.

03-28-2009, 07:15 PM
Thanks. I guess if there's no other way, I'll buy FSUIPC.

I don't really need to save the money anymore either, now that I've found out it'll be another year at minimum before Airsimmer comes out with their A320 for FSX :( :(