View Full Version : 747-400

03-01-2009, 07:19 AM
hi to all after sreching and seching for stuff on the 747-200 i cant find nearly enything and i am not every happy:(:(i am thinking to goin the 747-400 guys
i love the classic so much and if i build it i whant it to be as close as real as i can so i am thinking for the 400 i have dimentions and the pmdg 747-400 fsx add on so if there is any one for the last time that can help with dimentions on the 200 i realy need it know!!! from tomorro i will start the mip 747-400
from aluminume
thank to all

03-01-2009, 04:29 PM
Why the rush??? Your only going to regret rushing into things building the -400 if the -200 is your all time favorite. You really need to study more as you will find out quite quickly that the pmdg 747 cant be implemented into a cockpit setup. Its a tottally different animal than the pmdg 737 and if you dont have the patience to wait a week or 2 for the other -200 builder to get back with you with measurements then I have to say your setting yourself up for a big dissapointment.

03-02-2009, 03:05 AM
Hi Spiro,

I fly the B742 for real and would be happy to help out. Email me a priority list and I'll do my best to take measurements, determine angles or take pictures. The only problem is I just started my 14 days off.:)



03-02-2009, 04:07 AM
dear frits

you just save me thank you very much for offering it must be a butiful aircraft to fly

i all was whanted to be a real pilot atpl and get the 747-200 i was 7 yeares old

but my perants could not aford the money to help me and i only hold a ppl so i thoght i cand make my

dream come true i am 28 know it is late and still expensive and i here jobs are hard these days

so i decided to build it and when i am not flying the 172 i can fly my draem at home.

i have the dimentions for the 400 and i would like to know the diffrents

i need mip leghth hight pedalset leghth hight

what i need is photos and even video close up

but so i do not give you a head ake imagane i whant to make a cockpit 100% scale so what ever

info you can meserments,panels close up,kornes veiw/and labels ineed

i will leave it to you what ever you can

i thank you very much for your info and are hopping to here from you


ps your email address is wrong please send me it
spkaterelos@hotmail.com :p

03-02-2009, 04:33 AM
Hello Spiro,

if youre looking for pictures:


03-02-2009, 04:36 AM
dear henk i have that site thanks i need dimentions and close ups of the panels thanks mate:D:D

03-02-2009, 07:34 AM
See if you can get a hold of this guy. http://home.wanadoo.nl/tjeerd.schouten/English/downloads/CPT/CPT.htm. Maybe he can help.

03-02-2009, 02:45 PM
Hi Spiro,

Was Just called out on a trip so looks like I can get some of those pics and measurements for you today.So much for 14 days off.:(
Sorry about the wrong email address, try this one.
