View Full Version : Unsual question.

02-12-2009, 01:34 PM
Nothing to do with cockpits.. is it possible to imbed something in a picture so that
1) it cannot be copied
2) it self-deletes after a known time.

Or is it "mission impossible"??
Stupid hey?

02-12-2009, 01:54 PM
Actually... yes and no...

You can put a watermark on the image....

but you will not be able to make the image disappear... actually.. not magically!

depends on where you put it and when...

you could have a javascript that checks the server time and avoid to show the image after a certain date and time...

but that involves some programming...

what I like to do... is creating an image viewer in flash that reads an xml where i have the start and end date of my images... so only the ones in the date window are shown... plus, no link to the images are apparent... so only a printscreen would work