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View Full Version : Looking for Throttle Unit Drawings

01-11-2009, 12:28 AM
I am looking for drawings of the throttle unit pieces I can use to make my own throttle quad, does anyone here have any? I have a CNC machine, but no plans to use for milling.

Thanks for any help!

BuddyM in Tampa, Fl

Michael Carter
01-11-2009, 12:54 AM
This is being moved to Gwyn's Engineering Forum.

01-15-2009, 05:32 AM

Can you please send the link for this forum. I must have missed it.

Thank you in advance


Michael Carter
01-15-2009, 09:56 AM

Third forum from the top of the page.

01-15-2009, 10:16 AM
Hi barkay,

If you have any luck getting drawings, diagrams, etc please let me know. I see that there are lots of nice throttle setups, but no one is offereing any help other than looking at photos. I guess everyone that has them whittled them freehand with a pocketknife and that's why there are no diagrams or plans being passed around. If I get anything going I will pass it along to anyone who asks, or just upload into the file library.

Michael Carter
01-15-2009, 10:32 AM
I have no plans from my build either. I used rough sketches to lay it out right on the material against photos, and made corrections on the material as I went along.

Design changes were made during the construction but nothing was documented except through photos.

The only thing I have on paper for the entire sim are the paper patterns I saved for the seat cushion covers I made in case I have to replace one or both down the road.

I don't think anyone expects to ever have to build another throttle once this undertaking has been completed. That may be why there are no plans available. I also think that no two throttle builds are identical in any way unless they are a production item built by a company. People use an assortment of materials, electronics and mechanics to get them working. I've never seen two alike.

01-15-2009, 11:43 AM
Thanks Michael,

I agree, nobody ever expects to do it again, it looks like quite a bit of effort. It looks like the A320 builders have been overcome by all the Boeing builders too, so fewer folks to contribute. Sometimes I wish I had gone that route, but I felt the sidestick design would be easier for me to implement than a yoke. Too late at this point, I have lot's of $$ tied up in panels for the Bus.

I have been gathering lots of photos from various sources, I may be able to put something together yet. My goal is to end up with cad and cam files for my cnc setup. When I get it all together I will document it and put it out there for anyone who needs it. I just don't have the $$ to buy one of the commercial kits, even though they look incredible! I am sure that they work very well too, they look like works of art.

I am thinking I can machine most of the parts from rigid PVC, it's easy to work with, not expensive, readily available, and the medium and dark grey looks great, even unpainted. Black, stainless, or aluminum hardware all look great against it when you screw it all together. My cnc machine cuts the stuff like butter, so the only delay is getting diagrams to feed in.

I will hopefully end up with a good-looking, fully functional throttle setup that is durable. It wont be up to par with the commercial kits, but it will work for me.

BTW, if that's your sim in your avatar photo, w0w!


01-15-2009, 11:46 AM
Hi there,

it would also be nice to know which throttle you would like to build?
airbus ? boeing ? CRJ ?...

aha, from your last post I see you are also a bus builder....

i have spend some time drawing up an airbus throttle in 3d cam solidworks... I learn as I get along...
the problem is the dimensions are in no way like the real deal of course...it starts to look like it but its
not finished ... by far ...
I think thats most peoples problem, they draw up something for themselves and most probably its not good
for others...

Greetings Peter

01-15-2009, 11:50 AM
I agree, which is why I posted the original message in the Airbus Forum, and a mod moved it, feeling I would get more interest here I suppose?. I did also ask directly about the A320 Throttle.
