View Full Version : DF727, output cards, FSUIPC, etc., etc. Need some info before the next step please.

Michael Carter
01-04-2009, 10:34 PM
I've been in communication with Paul Golding the creator of the 727 for Dreamfleet. I don't know what his function is within the company, or how it relates to the aircraft model, but he told me that since the DF727 was not designed with FSUIPC in mind that he doesn't think the program will output lamp indications to FSUIPC for use with an output card for my simulator.

Now, every input command from a switch has so far worked with this model except for the Aileron Hold on the SP-50. Dowson solved that problem with the mouse capture function.

Even though it was not designed with FSUIPC in mind, is it possible that it communicates passively with FSUIPC regardless of their design intentions? What I mean is, I don't think they designed it to intentionally ignore FSUIPC, but if I've had good luck with input commands up until now, doesn't it follow that my luck might hold for output recognition for indicator lamps as well???

Is there any way, short of wasting money on an output card to experiment with (and short of a definitive answer from DF) that I can tell if the 727 is 'talking' to FSUIPC about the state of the indicator lamps.

Gear, flaps, marker beacon, low oil pressure/filter bypass, wind shear, terrain. etc, etc? Is there a way?

Anyone interested in an output card, cheap, down the road in a month or two? Good condition, only one input wired, honest!

01-04-2009, 10:39 PM
You could try polling interrupts through FSUIPC. That would tell you instantly. Check with Pete on how do this or if FSUIPC even has the feature built-in.

Michael Carter
01-04-2009, 10:40 PM
I don't know how to do that. I don't even know where to go to do what I don't know how to do.

01-04-2009, 10:42 PM
I beleive you can use a built in log to capture what is being communicated between the two, I think Peter states in his instructions, "....be careful as the file can get pretty large..."

01-04-2009, 10:44 PM
I've been in communication with Paul Golding the creator of the 727 for Dreamfleet. I don't know what his function is within the company, or how it relates to the aircraft model, but he told me that since the DF727 was not designed with FSUIPC in mind that he doesn't think the program will output lamp indications to FSUIPC for use with an output card for my simulator.

Now, every input command from a switch has so far worked with this model except for the Aileron Hold on the SP-50. Dowson solved that problem with the mouse capture function.

Even though it was not designed with FSUIPC in mind, is it possible that it communicates passively with FSUIPC regardless of their design intentions? What I mean is, I don't think they designed it to intentionally ignore FSUIPC, but if I've had good luck with input commands up until now, doesn't it follow that my luck might hold for output recognition for indicator lamps as well???

Is there any way, short of wasting money on an output card to experiment with (and short of a definitive answer from DF) that I can tell if the 727 is 'talking' to FSUIPC about the state of the indicator lamps.

Gear, flaps, marker beacon, low oil pressure/filter bypass, wind shear, terrain. etc, etc? Is there a way?

Anyone interested in an output card, cheap, down the road in a month or two? Good condition, only one input wired, honest!

I assume you are talking about OC Output card? If so are you using SIOC? If this is the case cant you just take the condition of an input switch and based on that set a variable that activates an output? This is what I am planning to do for Learjet anyway.

01-04-2009, 10:44 PM
Michael I am not in front of my sim computer but in FSUIPC, under one of the headers is a bar called "event log " (maybe) and then tick the box, attempt what you need,stop and read the file...... hope that helps.

01-04-2009, 10:49 PM
Simply put,
You read the event log and then activate or de-activate the lights based on the current switch position.

The log will get really huge over the course of a flight so you need a way to just read the offsets and see what position they are in and program accordingly thru SOIC.

Michael Carter
01-04-2009, 10:52 PM
XOrion, I don't have anything from OC yet, or any output card yet. I've been afraid to buy one since I don't know if it will work and I don't know how to tell beforehand if it will.

All of my currently working indicators are mechanically actuated by multiple-pole switches. Rather hard to accomplish though with a marker beacon. ;)

ak49er, I'll look into that the next time the sim is up, tomorrow. I was under the impression that it only recorded actions such as a switch being used or a pot being moved. I did not know it would look for passive outputs from the sim. Is that right?

Michael Carter
01-04-2009, 10:55 PM
Simply put,
You read the event log and then activate or de-activate the lights based on the current switch position.

The log will get really huge over the course of a flight so you need a way to just read the offsets and see what position they are in and program accordingly thru SOIC.

See, that is not what I'm after. There are no switches to throw for a windshear alert or passing over the outer or middle markers. I need something from the aircraft (or is it really FS) that tells FSUIPC to light up an indicator via the output card.

Some of it is what I'm after. Sorry I posted to soon. I DO need those low oil pressure indicators to go out after air is introduced to the engine, and I'd light the flap position and intransit indicators to work.

Michael Carter
01-04-2009, 11:33 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll see what happens with FSUIPC after I fuddle my way through it.

01-05-2009, 05:01 AM
Did you try the program "FSInterrogate2std" that comes with the FSPUIC SDK? I recently used it to monitor which FSPUIC offsets are affected in flipping some switches in the IRIS PC-9/A flight model. I guess it will also shows the offset values if it was changed in the model as well as external through a card.

Trevor Hale
01-05-2009, 09:17 AM

Paul is one of the developers of the Team, he is actually the Project manager for the 727 Project, and was very involved in the gauge programming. Lou placed Paul in charge of that project.

There will be some indications that work that you can extract from Flightsim itself, for instance... Gear lights, because fsuipc can read the position of the gear in flightsim. But the majority of their overhead logic would be programmed to communicate with itself, meaning they will call variables and functions of there software with it.

when you go to add a light for the low pressure of the fuel pumps, your more then likely not going to be able to call that function or interrogate that function because the software will not talk to your interfaces..

I am affraid that your in the same spot airbus builders are with the PSS airbus, or the Boeing Builders are with the PMDG. Thats just the sacrifices people make when they use those softwares.

I wish there was an easy solution for you, but the only way I can see you do it, is to take a monitor and place it somewhere outside of the sim. Everywhere there is an annunciator, place a light effected resistor. and then you can with electronics detect if the annunciator is lit or not. then you can transfer that information to your actual overhead.

It would be a lot of work, but it is doable.


Michael Carter
01-05-2009, 11:33 AM
Thanks Trevor.

So, if I understand correctly, if the annunciator is being set off by FS such as the gear indicators, marker beacons, (possibly) DH, and windshear, it should work fine.

But if it is model specific such as the low oil pressure/filter bypass indicators or approach progress display, stab out of trim, etc., I'm on my own.

Is that right?

I really don't need the indicators on the overhead to work with the model, those are all controlled mechanically with switches. I was hoping to get the passive indicators going.

Half is better than none and I can live without the rest (model specific) until I figure out something.

Thanks for clarifying that for me. I guess just a small output card will do then.

Trevor Hale
01-05-2009, 11:38 AM
You are correct. Specific systems, your on your own, but generic systems, that are common to most aircraft should work for you.


Michael Carter
01-05-2009, 11:59 AM
OK great. As I said, half is better than none. I can live with it to fly the best. ;)

01-05-2009, 12:14 PM
Ive tried using the logging functions of FSUIPC for some other needs, but it appeared to me that there was way more logged than what I pressed/interacted with. For me it was useless, but it is because I obviously (along with a fellow builder here) did not know how to interpret the log info and where our specific interactions were captured by the logging facility.

Michael Carter
01-05-2009, 12:18 PM
I hear ya Eric. It's hard to know what's being said when you don't speak the language. It may as well be Greek to me as well.

01-06-2009, 03:48 AM
The only output I am currently addressing in my DF727 is my parking brake light on the TQ. The light is not coupled to the handle (as it is not functional yet) but it reads the FSUIPC offset from the DF727.
This way, it is possible to turn the light on and off by hitting "ctrl"+".". So, even if it is on a case-to-case basis, you will be able to read some variables. Probably you will have to try. I can try to check if the software will read the markers next weekend.
I am using an OC USB output card with a 24 V system.
Regards, Florian

Michael Carter
01-06-2009, 10:17 AM
Thanks for checking Florian. My parking brake light is mechanically lit, as are most of the overhead indicators and some on the MIP.

I'm not too concerned with the engine inlet and anti-ice as it is not modeled in FS anyway. It's more of a procedural item that a safety issue. Same with the anti-skid.

The windshear, marker lights and a couple others is what I'm after. Anything I can get to light up without having to throw a switch to do so.

Found out last night that the runway turn-off lights aren't modeled in FS or the DF either. All the others work fine though and the overhead is pretty much wrapped up.