View Full Version : Deleting Control Assignments

12-08-2008, 05:02 PM
I have finally got a registered copy of FSUIPC.
I want to set all my assignments using this so I was wondering, is there an easy way to delete all my existing assignments?
Or is it just a case of opening up FS and clearing them all one by one?
I'm using FS2004, Windows XP / SP3.


12-08-2008, 05:39 PM
Just go into the setting section of FS and delete each one manually. You may find that you want to keep some assignments. I have most buttons assigned through FSUIPC however some, like the view Hat switch, I assign within FS itself as it handles all views with one assignment. There's no problem mixing and matching.

However don't try to mix axis. If you assign an axis in FSUIPC you must have it un-assigned in FS otherwise you'll get all sorts of jittering.


12-09-2008, 07:23 AM
You can also have a look at your FS9.cfg or FSX.cfg file. The keyboard assignments are stored there. Just remember to make a backup of the file before deleting or adding settings this way.

12-09-2008, 05:38 PM
Thanks for the info guys.
I thought I couldn't mix the two methods but if it's just the axes, that's fine.

Thanks again.