View Full Version : Easy toggle switch question

11-21-2008, 11:30 PM
I should really just wire one up and find out the answer for myself but... I'm searching Ebay for some toggle switches and I was wondering if a SPST switch could be used to operate something like the landing gear? I know it would work to raise the gear but would you then have to flip the switch down and then back up again to lower the gear? I'm thinking that I would need a SPDT switch but I wanted to check and find out for sure first.

11-21-2008, 11:44 PM
It depends on what interface you are using. A spdt switch will work fine as long as the interface sees a signal for each poition of the switch. I know this was a problem with earlier interfaces but should be better now that the software programs have been greatly improved.


11-22-2008, 01:33 AM
easiest solution is use a spst switch attached to any joystick controller card (like the BU0836X) and in the FSUIPC Buttons and switches menu assign 'when button pressed' gear down and 'when button released' gear up. one switch - two actions.... easy peasy....
good luck captain and regards from wales.... ian

11-22-2008, 02:41 AM
Thanks guys, I appreciate the help. I have both the BU0836X and a registered version of FSUIPC but I'm brand new to this stuff. I didn't want to order a bunch of switches only to find out they won't work. I had it in my head that I would need to use a SPDT switch but I had forgotten about the ability to assign a function when a button is released. Thanks again :cool:

11-22-2008, 12:17 PM

For some applications a simple OFF-ON-OFF toggle will act like a momentary when you flick it all the way through the ON position. Just have to keep it in sync with the sim so that the "fake" up and down positions remain so.