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View Full Version : Keysending Problem with greater than 99 Keys???

09-27-2008, 03:16 AM
I am currently using PMDG 737ng and am controlling the overhead\and MCP from SIOC script and all works fine. The overhead uses the FSUIPC mouse macros and MCP uses pmdg`s key commands. All work fine until now, I have just added my EFIS. The efis works fine in SIOC with all other\cards etc, the problem is when I try and send a keypress!!! As you can imagine I have now got a large number of keypresses defined in my SIOC.cfg file. And with the efis I am now over 100 keys.. Problem is SIOC will not send any keys defined over 100 in the sioc.cfg


99=/1/3/2 = Shift+3
100=/1/4/2 = Shift+4

But the problem is no matter what I put in keysend location 100 it will not work!!

Am i up to the limit in sioc for key definitions?????

Also how do you send a single key ie. A
All i get if I set sioc.cfg to say 99=A I always get a shift+A and not a single A.. Any help......

Also how do I send a TAB key press in SIOC.......

Last question to help with a workaround with the keys problem:-
If I connect the EFIS to another PC on my widefs network, can I get it to send a keypress across widefs to fsuipc on flightsim!! if so what would the code be??

I look forward to any help.........

I will post all my code when I get it working....

09-27-2008, 04:55 AM
Case matters. If you want just the single 'A' then use a lower case 'a'. They each have different codes as far as the computer is concerned.

I used to have an ASCII chart around here somewhere.... Here's one for you to use..


09-27-2008, 04:58 AM
So i take it if i use lower case a it will work eg. 95=a

Any ideas about the 100th keypress not working?

09-27-2008, 05:04 AM
I don't use SIOC so I'd only be guessing.

Bob Reed
09-27-2008, 05:36 PM
I maybe wrong but maybe it takes a second imput card to go over 99?

09-28-2008, 02:47 AM
I have three IO cards connected to a USB master card. So it must be something else. The switches work fine if you assign them a key number less than 100 so its not the hardware,,,
Has anyone actually managed to configure more than 99 keys and get it to work???

09-28-2008, 08:15 AM

Another (better) method is to use the virtual buttons provided by FSUIPC.
There are 288...
Here is described how you do that in SIOC. Basically you toggle a virtual button in SIOC and then you define the key in FSUIPC



09-28-2008, 09:04 AM
So if I use this code,

Var 1 Link IOCARD_SW Input 116 Type I
&FO_JoyStick64 = CHANGEBIT 0 v1 // toggle bit 0 of joystick 64

Var 2 name FO_JoyStick64 Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3340 Length 4

When Switch connected to 116 is used a Joystick button will be used in FSUIPC

and thats it.. Cool will try this out.........

Thanks in advance for the help...

03-19-2011, 09:07 AM

did you solve your problem ??? I have the problem with this 100th key, and I don't know how to proceed...
I don't use my sioc with flight sim, so I can't use fsuipc


03-19-2011, 12:36 PM

a second instance of SIOC would provide another set of keys.


03-19-2011, 12:50 PM
hello Jim,

what do you mean with a second instance ??? To install a second SIOC, and then to have 2 SIOCs working on a same computer ??

Not sure that it works


03-19-2011, 03:53 PM

Yes, it works.

A separate .ini is required which uses different ports from the [renamed] original. Also activate the IOCP Client function as required to communicate between the two instances, if necessary. Use batch files to copy the appropriate version of the .ini into sioc.ini before launching SIOC.


03-19-2011, 04:23 PM
ahhh ok....
well i'll try this tomorrow,

Thank you very much for your help, Jim, thank you

see you