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07-14-2006, 07:40 PM
This message relates to all Cockpit Builders.

Over the past months I have been speaking to a lot of our suppliers. That includes both software and hardware. There is a major concern out there that the majority of the builders out there are being too demanding upon these gentlemen. Do remember we are all making a "SIMULATOR" and not the real thing, so lets not be too picky. I have been noticing myself on the forums that we are speaking before we think. Just take the time (even if your frustrated) to think about what your going to say first. The way it is going, we won't have anyone to buy our gear from in the near future and thats a concern for everyone that wants their dream to come true.

Personally I am extremely happy with what these guys have produced so far. If it wasn't for these guys, it would be a lot harder to come up with parts. I tend to build most of my sim myself because I enjoy making things with my own hands and have the skills from my employment training. There are a lot of guys that don't possess these skills and entirely depend on these companies so lets not ruin it for them.

As most of you know I'm certainly not associated with any of these companies, I am just a concerned builder.

So in the end, lets get behind these guys and support whatever they do and they'll support us!

Kind Regards,
Brad Heller
Williamtown, Australia

07-15-2006, 03:33 PM
Hi Brad,
Who has this major concern? Not me. Not anyone I know of, and I've yet to hear any product supplier complain about it. Lets face it, the more realistic the device, the more it costs, which means the more the supplier makes. I'm sorry Brad, but I simply do not agree with the above statement.

07-15-2006, 07:56 PM
We all have our own opinion. I didn't think everybody would agree with me I just know that some suppliers in particular will be knodding when they see this!

Kind Regards,
Brad Heller.

07-15-2006, 09:08 PM

When I saw your post I wasn’t sure about the content. What I can agree with you is that the demand from the builders is high and some have little patience. Everyone once there parts for his or her project now, and to be just like real and low cost. Problem is the work by the vendor is very demanding. They have to research every panel, switch, lights for accuracy and dimension’s. The color and paint has to be just right or to the builder it’s defective.

I spent 5 days in Denver at the IFC convention. I talked with all the major vendors who are working on parts. Each one has there own way in working with the market. Biggest issue is patients. If you want it right and look like the real deal you’ll have to be patient. There have been several other companies who have started making parts but due to time and money have no longer continued to supply parts.

This is a very unique hobby and not just anyone can get access to panels for dimensions since 9/11. Some people still view this hobby as a threat to our national security.

I see more and more panels and other vendors are coming into play for the cockpit building market. You may even see more software for projects in the future.

Brad, since it looks like you are a 737 builder you have at least a much bigger supply for your project. I have to be patient for the 777 panels I need because the demand for the vendors is not as great as the 737. I will have to be patient…. :)