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View Full Version : More from Heathrow a a couple from Birmingham

Michael Carter
09-11-2008, 10:54 PM
After a few circuits at Heathrow to check out the airport the weather started closing in for VFR. On the third take-off I headed for Birmingham. A line of build-up's just northwest of London had me trying to 'thread the needle' through them. I was at a nice altitude (5000') and speed (215KIAS) so I really didn't want to alter this with only a short hop.

Not really too bumpy and no shear between the buildups. Upon descending below the deck for Birmingham, thing got a little bumpy for awhile but not too bad.

Very hazy at Birmingham.

Oktoberfest flights direct from Heathrow to Munich start soon!

In the downwind at Heathrow for 27L


Final approach to 27L Heathrow.


Second approach to Heathrow, sidestep manuver to 27R.


Departing Heathrow for Birmingham


Winding my way through the build-up's northwest of London



Final approach at Birmingham


Another succesful and enjoyable flight in the 727!


Paul G
09-12-2008, 01:21 AM
You got a beer tap in that thing?

Michael Carter
09-12-2008, 06:43 AM
Of course, it's Lufthansa!