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View Full Version : Website for my Learjet 45 Chimera Project

08-20-2008, 07:23 PM
There is now a website for my Learjet 45 Chimera project.


I will keep the website up to date with my progress and also post any major additions to this thread.

On this website I will try to include a detailed account of the software, hardware and steps I have gone through during the building of the sim. Hopefully some of this information will help other sim builders who also want to build a fully functional sim with the minimal of cost.

Hope you like it



08-20-2008, 07:56 PM
Hey Dave,
Great start to the website! It's always nice to see another Learjet45 builder.

Ron Rollo
Jacksonville Florida

08-20-2008, 08:32 PM
Welcome to the corporate jet builders team and best luck building!
keep us posted with progress and pictures, it motivates:cool:

08-31-2008, 07:37 PM
Thought it was about time for an update :p
I have been busy lately writing a program to control the K8055 interfaces and have now got to the point where I can set an output on the interfaces for every cockpit indication I require ( not bothered with anti-ice as I ran out of outputs ). I have updated my website http://www.learjet45chimera.co.uk with the latest version of the executable and source code for any builder who may decide to use this interface.

That's it for now
