View Full Version : Entering SEL/OAT TEMP ...

06-06-2008, 07:09 AM
Hi gents,

Boeing CDU users of PM modules know that on page N1 LIMIT, the OAT is always displayed, being taken from MS-FS, so there's apparently no need to input it manually (at least, this is what I didn't ever enter); a manual input is viceversa required of the SEL temp, should you decide to go for a R-TO ...

Now from what I read elsewhere about the true stuff, it looks like you need to enter the OAT, as taken from an ATIS or alike, no matter what.

Do you normally always enter the OAT ?

Then, I also wonder why doesn't the plane feel the OAT on his own, and use it as a default value ?

Thanks for sharing your knowledge about this matter ...

06-08-2008, 03:11 PM
At my company we operate a mixture of -300 and -800 aircraft. The answer is...some need the OAT to be input into the FMC and some don't!

06-09-2008, 03:59 AM
Wow ... looks like some FMC read the OAT by themselves, and some don't !

But what shall we do with the Project Magenta CDU ?

I don't remember reading about specific indications on the manual ...

What do you simmers do ?