View Full Version : Help to light up dot in 7 segment display

05-30-2008, 10:54 AM
How can I light up a dot in decimal frequency
I know I have to connect a DP pin in Output MasterCard PIN but which one is DP PIN and what resistance do I have to use ?
I saw many diffrenets value.
there is any manual ?



05-30-2008, 12:31 PM
Master card output <-- > resistor (330 ohm, 1/4 watt) <--> DP pin of 7 segment display.

Look in the documentation of your 7-segment display to see which pin is DP.

You may also use a slightly lower resistor, like 280 ohm or 220 ohm to get a more brighter dot, just experiment a little. But never connect the DP directly to a master card output without a resistor ...


05-30-2008, 02:15 PM
Hi Nico:
Allways you !!!!
Just in case... DP PIN is in lower right position ?
Because in PCB 5 display segment holder this PIN in may impresssion conect the display card (1-16 pins).

05-30-2008, 02:46 PM
Hi Nico:
Because in PCB 5 display segment holder this PIN in may impresssion conect the display card (1-16 pins).

? I do not understand what you mean....

Note that the DisplayII card of OC does not multiplex the DP pin and the latest PCBs (at least during the last year) do not connect the DP's of each segemnt, so you can just solder the resistor to the pin of the 7-segment display unit of your choice ...


05-30-2008, 03:18 PM
Hi Nico
Let me explain more clearly

The PCB display holder

The DP pin goes in PCB hole that give me a impression it connect to 16 pin (1-16) on display card.

I hopo I made me understend.


05-30-2008, 03:54 PM
?? don't see what you are asking, sorry