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View Full Version : Switch sounds for PM Systems software

04-25-2008, 08:27 PM
Thomas Richter has just released a little program I have wanted for a long time. If you do not have a hardware overhead yet or are not planning to get one in the very near future, this is better than sliced cheese (unless you happen to be French and sliced cheese does not cut it for you :-) .

This program will generate a switch sound anytime you flick one of the switches in the 737 overhead (I imagine Airbus will follow as usual :-). He even has made it so that different switch types create different sounds, e.g. toggle or rotary.

I'm hoping to be able to try it tomorrow and I can't wait. This is something that I always felt was missing and I think it will add a lot of realism, especially if you use it in conjunction with a touch screen. And the price is more than reasonable; in fact it is underpriced in my opinion. Check it out at http://www.technical-service-richter.com/


04-26-2008, 05:47 AM
Very clever idea.
I think this might be very useful for guys with a touchscreen as you said maurice.
But its even better to have a fully functional Overhead Panel where the sound comes from the real switches:p

But this sounds really like a very interesting programm.


04-26-2008, 10:37 AM
Very clever idea.
But its even better to have a fully functional Overhead Panel where the sound comes from the real switches:p


I quite agree there Pascal. But there is one BIG advantage to a touch screen panel with switch sounds. Besides the fact that some day, all flight decks will be exclusively glass cockpits with hardly any switches, you could also switch programs and see PM flight instructor, or moving maps, or Google earth (if you get really lost :)) or simply browse the Internet.

I can already hear Tim saying he can do all these things already in his roomy 340 :roll:, but for us mere mortals in our sardine cans B737's, having all that at your fingertips would be really nice I think.


Michael Carter
04-26-2008, 10:58 AM
I quite agree there Pascal. But there is one BIG advantage to a touch screen panel with switch sounds. Besides the fact that some day, all flight decks will be exclusively glass cockpits with hardly any switches, you could also switch programs and see PM flight instructor, or moving maps, or Google earth (if you get really lost :)) or simply browse the Internet.


Perish the thought.

Touching a screen and hearing a click is wrong in so many ways. :smile:

04-26-2008, 11:06 AM
Perish the thought.

Touching a screen and hearing a click is wrong in so many ways. :smile:

... and smelling horse's 'gases' in horse drawn carriages is also wrong in so many ways, but we have moved on...we now smell exhaust fumes instead. You just can't stop progress you know :D


04-26-2008, 06:30 PM
Well, I tried the program and I just LOVE it. I'm still using a mouse with PM Systems (no hardware or touch screen yet), and the one thing that use to aggravate me to no end is now gone.

When I clicked on a switch with the mouse, there was often a visual delay from the time you clicked to the time the switch actually moved. On many occasions, I clicked again only to see the switch reset back to another position.

But now, the switch sound is immediate and you no longer have to guess whether the switch is going to move or not. If you don't hear the sound, you did not click in the right place.

This is definitely the best money I have spent in a long time. Thank you Thomas for this very useful add-on to PM Systems.


05-10-2008, 07:05 AM
Hi Maurice,

bought recently that neat little Program too.

One question though: Where can I find the sound files for the switches??
The program says you may define it in the ini file.

Any hint higly appreciated.


Best rgds


05-10-2008, 08:08 AM
Hi Maurice,

bought recently that neat little Program too.

One question though: Where can I find the sound files for the switches??
The program says you may define it in the ini file.
Any hint higly appreciated.

Best rgds

You can find them in FS9 (& FSX I imagine) in the sound folder. There are 3 .wav files starting with 'switch'. Just copy them in the same folder where the ini file resides and you are good to go.


05-10-2008, 10:10 AM
Thanks a very lot, Maurice.

Best rgds


05-20-2008, 06:19 AM
I'm possibly misunderstanding you guys, here ...

Is that development an expansion of the PMSounds config/setup, or is it a true standalone program ?

I ask this because I got to that same result simply by assigning in PMSounds several sound files to all the switches, or buttons, or knobs I needed to become "noisy".

I do agree, however, that hearing a sound helps, being a welcome back-up for a mere glance, when you do not have a physical device.


05-20-2008, 08:18 AM
I'm possibly misunderstanding you guys, here ...

Is that development an expansion of the PMSounds config/setup, or is it a true standalone program ?


It's a standalone program. I don't know if PM sounds response is immediate, but the beauty of this one is that you hear the sound even before the switch moves, so you don't need to guess whether you need to click on it again to get it to move. If you hear the sound, the switch will move.

Anyway, for the low price of that little program, it beats programming every switch in PM Sounds in my opinion.


05-20-2008, 08:47 AM
I have already spent a little time for that PMSounds programming, so I am kinda late !

Instead, I was very glad to put some money on Thomas' autobrake professional ...

Another nice addition, which surely filled a gap in the Systems !