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View Full Version : FSX inputs and update

Jim NZ
04-16-2008, 04:09 AM
Now the basic's of the motion platform and its software are behind me and things are "settled" ,, I turned my attention to inputs into FSX ,, some good surprises there for the budget minded.
M$ have done us a huge favour with FSX compared to earlier flight sims.
As far as inputs that suit a switch or a rotary switch, it seems there is real easy access into the guts of FSX to make it happen.
Its there whether you have the deluxe version or basic FSX.
I still havent finished pottering around in its belly but have updated my website with the bulk of what I found out so far.
More to come when I get time. (After I do up the house .. sorry guys but I Liz has put here foot down !!!)
Hope its of help to people on a budget.

Cheers ,,, Jim NZ

04-16-2008, 01:03 PM
Thank you very much for this. I think all of us want to find a cheap solution to motion!

Jim NZ
04-18-2008, 08:10 PM
I'm embarrased !!! My links didnt work with FireFox and Opera .. All fixed now though and thanks to the guys that bought this to my attention.

Also updated the "FSX inputs" page with a description of what the two different "Standard.xml" files actually do.
It makes it easier to understand if you do want to fiddle in there.


05-01-2013, 09:45 PM
I'm about to set up pitch and bank motion-cues for a C172 sim, loved reading all about link2fs_motion on Jim's site.
I intend to use that, but see lots of Arduino stuff now.
Is the concept with the K8055 and KT5198 outdated, or still the way to go with Jim's motion software?


Jim NZ
05-02-2013, 04:14 AM
Hi O'Neil ,, the K8055 / KT5198 concept worked fine in it's day but things move on and I never developed it further than what it is in my website.

Probably the best place to look is
who are still actively developing their systems.
also ,,,

Yes ,, Arduino's are used in some motion platforms (brilliantly) but no-one has put anything up on the net as yet that I'm aware of.

Cheers ,,,, Jim