View Full Version : New Product Survey

04-11-2008, 05:13 AM
I would like to know how many of you would be interested in purchasing a panel mounted GPS unit that fits in a double-height GoFlight slot.
Just to give a number, it might be priced around $600. US

I already have all the design work done and am building one for myself and I wondered if anyone else would be interested.
This is ONLY to see if anyone is interested.

04-11-2008, 07:28 AM
Hi Andy,

Sounds interesting. I already have a GPS designed around GoFlight RMK units, RealityXP GNS530, and an 8" lcd screen. Way too big to fit in a GF slot.

Now, my only problem is the RXP GPS is still not Vista/FSX compatible. I only fly FSX so the whole unit is sitting idle and has been for over a year. Yes, seventeen months since FSX release and still no RXP GNS530.

Can you provide any other details such as FS version your unit will support? Can you update the nav data or is it stock FS? Will it work with PM software?


Michael Carter
04-11-2008, 08:45 AM
I might be interested if it were in a standard Boeing rack width.

I'd be much more interested in a WX radar head.

04-11-2008, 01:48 PM
It should work with any version of FS.
I designed it to be an interface for the built-in GNS-500 in FS. Just assign the controls, set the screen and, off you go.