View Full Version : New Source for MasterCard-Compatible Rotary Encoder

03-06-2008, 03:50 AM
X-Posted this on the OC forum:

Just getting started with IOcards and came across some rotary encoders on eBay from a seller / manufacturer called "sureelectronics" from Hong Kong / China. (Just search for "rotary encoder". Their internal part number is CS-CO043. And no, I am not affiliated with them. I'm just a new mini-cockpit builder.)

These are 2-bit Gray rotary encoders with a push-button SPST switch. The price was US$9.99 (+ US$6 shipping) for a box of 10 encoders with Gray Knobs included. (Knobs alone can cost that much.)

(I tried asking about the number of cycles per revolution and the number of detents but I never received a reply from them so it was a bit of a gamble to see if they would work on the Mastercard directly.)

After about 2 weeks, they arrived in the post today in a very well packaged styro foam and cardboard box.

After finally getting my MasterCard working, I hooked up one of these rotaries on a breadboard and they seem to work very well directly attached to the MC. I'm too cheap to buy concentric rotaries so I think I will simulate one by using the push-button to toggle between "outer" and "inner" rotary. (I will post updates if I encounter any problems.)

03-06-2008, 11:52 AM
These are the same rotary encoders I used for my radio head project here: http://www.mikesflightdeck.com/old_stuff_3.htm scroll down to 15 March 2007. Seem to work just fine.

03-07-2008, 02:17 AM
They looked pretty good and the price was right,, so I ordered some as well.

03-07-2008, 11:43 AM
Yes, for U$1.60 each (with knobs and shipping included), it was worth a gamble... and happily they seem to work directly on the MasterCard (i.e. without an additional encoder card) using 2 inputs. And I like having the built-in momentary switch for EFIS or MCP builds... or for simulating concentric rotaries. Haven't tested them thoroughly yet to see whether they skip at high speed, etc. as Mike eluded to.

Here's a link to a stock photo from their website http://www.sure-electronics.net/DC,IC%20chips/CS-CO043-1.jpg
and search on their eBay store http://search.stores.ebay.com/Sure-Electronics_rotary-encoder_W0QQfciZQ2d1QQfclZ3QQfsnZSureQ20ElectronicsQQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQsaselZ208644246QQsofpZ0

03-07-2008, 11:57 AM
Hmmm, not sure of the success of these. I bought them last year sometime due to the low cost, but found they were'nt compatible with the Opencockpits Mastercard. After some research I found they were Half Cycle encoders and Opencockpits require a Quarter Cycle. The result being that they are very erratic in detecting which direction you are turning them and gets worse with speed.

However, I hope that I'm totalling wrong, as they are cheap and easily accessible. Please let me know how it goes as I may have to revisit them


03-07-2008, 01:39 PM
If they don't work with the FDT cards I have ordedered,, then they should work with the Beta Innovations Plasma-lite card I currently have.

The Plasma-lite software allows for Gray1x-A, Gray2x-A, and Gray 4x-a.
These encoders are Gray 2X (2-bit) ,, so I am guessing they would work properly ??

I'll post info when I get them and try them on the Plasm-lite card.

03-07-2008, 01:45 PM
After some research I found they were Half Cycle encoders and Opencockpits require a Quarter Cycle. The result being that they are very erratic in detecting which direction you are turning them and gets worse with speed

Sadly Ken is right. In my haste to assemble I didn't realise the digits were not incrementing/dec consistently. I guess I have a bunch of $1.60 knobs now. I will miss having the pushbutton too. Sorry spitfire9 and others :(

03-07-2008, 05:02 PM
Oh well ! I guess at that price they are worth a try .

03-07-2008, 10:42 PM
I'm still learning about Gray-encoders but I think the OpenCockpit Mastercard only accepts 1/4 cycle per detent (2-bit gray) such that only 1-bit changes per detent (since it's using switch-emulation). You should have better luck if your card can handle more than 1/4 cycle per detent then these you should have better luck than I. (The cheapest knobs I've seen are about $1.25 each at the local electronics store so I guess I can't complain too much if I got only these gray knobs for $1.60. ;))

03-08-2008, 12:13 AM
Thanks Wanderer, although I too am disappointed. I really hoped I was wrong. They still make a pretty cheap momentary pushbutton switch though.

I have found the CTS288 type encoders required by most cockpit interfaces very difficult to source locally (Australia) however they are available relatively cheaply overseas (your way). Even Opencockpits sell them for only 3 Euro's each.
