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View Full Version : Hello from Atlanta!

03-02-2008, 12:05 PM
Hello everyone!

My name is Dan. My wife and I live near Atlanta Georgia. She owns her own company and I work for a local Harley-Davidson dealership.

My wife, being very understanding, has let me build my pit in our family room...Which means it has a fairly small footprint. It started out life as a F-16 pit, but with the limitations in current software, I am converting it to more of a "hybrid" (Like Hans Krohns pit). Currently, I am working on the video end and have my CRT's (for the dash) up and running. I have the monitors for my external views, but am dealing with a substandard pc on my network, so I need to tend to that.

I am trying to figure out which software package to use for gauges. In FSX I fly the 737 most of the time, so thats the type of software I will need. Which is how I found these forums!

I am looking forward to meeting all of you and I hope I can contribute as much as I learn here!


Matt Olieman
03-02-2008, 01:08 PM
Welcome aboard Dan. Always nice to have an understanding wife :) :) :)

Please keep us current on your project, we love pics, as you can tell. We all love to see other builders what they are doing and how they are doing it. We learn from each other :)

Again, Welcome!!!!

Matt O.