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View Full Version : ELLIE SYSTEMS not replying

02-21-2008, 07:48 AM
I was wondering if anybody has any success trying to email these guys. I emailed them 3 times and they havent responded.

Just wondering what confidence do we have in terms of support , if they're sales and marketing arent even answering emails.

02-21-2008, 08:39 AM
I have had good email responses Try posting in there Forums maybe something is going on with the Emails right now.

02-22-2008, 02:01 AM

I tried their forum already they're not answering. At Least PMsystems respond to emails. I dont know how stable they're software is or what its like. I mean if you are not going to supply a demo version it just means that you are going to have to answer to lots of email , more than the usual.

Im due to buy a complete system soon and I need to make a decision. Bought all my cockpit stuff already and parts are due to come in in a few weeks.

I nearly finished my overhead just got gauges to buy and real boeing switches to fit. I need to buy a system software and I guess the old saying is right "better the devil you know then the devil you dont know" .

03-04-2008, 08:20 PM
I'm looking at our forums and we provided a response to most of your questions on the same day as your post.... Did we miss something?

We're still a startup company and as a result my CFO (... 'wife') still won't let me quit my day job, so responses to emails and forum posts will not be immediate.