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View Full Version : 1 or 2 Occurences of GC???

02-18-2008, 05:45 PM

Been playing about trying to set up Boeing GC this weekend and after struggling with lining up the Standby instruments I ended up copying the folder and running 2 occurences of the GC (1 pc, 2 screens) - I had PFD & ND on 1 occurence and Standby & Eicas on the other...

Question is this - is this ok to do or should I perservere and just run 1???


Trevor Hale
02-18-2008, 06:33 PM
There is no problem with this, IF you meet the following.

(you have two separate directories, One is a copy of the other.)

Run one instance from the one directory, and the orther instance from the other directory.

If that makes sense.


02-19-2008, 06:10 AM
Hi Trev,

Thats how I had done it - 2 directories and running from each one...
I also wondered if it would work correctly for switch inputs as only one window would be 'active' at a time...??


Trevor Hale
02-19-2008, 09:30 AM
I think it depends what functions your referring to. If your calling the commands like Range rings, or different modes on the ND, and your calling these functions through FSUIPC, you would be ok.

However... If you have a keyboard attached to the GC computer and your are calling functions by using the keyboard command, I would think that both GC windows would change with that key press. You would have to try it to be sure. If one program is defaulted to the EICAS page, and the other to the PFD/ND you shouldn't notice anything unusual, unless you go to cycle the displays with the F keys.

Hopefully that answers your question.


02-19-2008, 03:47 PM
Brilliant - I'm half way through setting up FSBus so the switch inputs will be using fsuipc..
Thanks Trev


07-15-2008, 02:13 PM
Hi Mike,

Did running to instances have any downside on performance on either display?



07-15-2008, 04:17 PM
Hi James,

No affect that I have noticed - works great. Just created 2 directories of GC and run the .exe from each directory - each one configured how I needed it - 1 runs PFD/ND the other runs centre panel/standby/mfd.
