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View Full Version : Universal Flight Controls

12-01-2007, 05:42 PM
Anyone ever seen this before


IM going to get a quote for there CRJ control wheel just curious if any one has dealt with them

here is there online price sheet just found it BEWARE THEY ARE PRICEY

Ok here is another site I found and im not sure if this is common knowledge look in thier products


this next link is cool Imagine having that in you garage. lol


12-01-2007, 06:59 PM
I asked this a while back and everyone told me to stay away from Universal, saying their products look nice online but when you get them they look a lot different and are very crappy. However, I have visited their site from time to time and what I see looks nice, their prices really aren't that bad on par with what everyone else wants for similar gear. They stated that they would be developing the 787 columns and yokes when I emailed them earlier this year. I have not found anyone who has actually purchased from them so until I someone actually shows me whats wrong with them they remain on my massive links page of suppliers.

12-01-2007, 08:23 PM
Yeah th eproducts look good but after some thought I think I will stay away until there reputation seems a little better.

12-02-2007, 09:05 AM
They are still recovering from some decisions that they made YEARS ago, but bad ones in my opinion. I know Mike from years of email and phone conversation and overall I think he's a good guy that just had to get some experience dealing with customer service and putting the customer first. Maybe they will come to be known as a 'good' supplier one day and can move on from their tainted past. Seems like Arien would too, but from what I hear they are still up to their old habits, but this sort of thing is also subjective. I would encourage you to call the guy at Universal, get something in writing, and go for it. Then if it's subpar, let your fellow builders know, but in a decent, professional way. No Bashing, as it wont be stood for here at MC.org.