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View Full Version : Opencockpits MCP737NG as Level-D MCP

10-26-2007, 12:42 PM
Hi guys,

I have released version 1.2 of the SIOC script for the Opencockpits MCP737NG to be used as Level-D 767 MCP.

It's available at www.nicokaan.nl (http://www.nicokaan.nl/) , page downloads, file MCP737NG.txt. Changes are:

+ the LOC/APP leds are interchanged in order to be synchronised with LEKSEECON 1.91+

+ some sofar missing functions added ( now the MCP is complete!):

HDG SEL push button in shaft has extra functionality:
- single click: HDG SEL (like it was)
- double click: HDG HOLD !

SPD Button has extra functionality
- single click: SPD (like it was)
- double click: SPD Intervention !

BCRS push button implemented via CWS A with extra functionality:
- single click: BCRS
- double click: Lights test !

Note this script has to be used together with LEKSEECON v1.91 or greater for a direct connection between the SIOC Server and the Level-D SDK.
It has been tested and works like a charm http://www.opencockpits.com/images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif

A low cost plug and play solution.

Have Fun!
