View Full Version : General Aviation (GA) Builder Disccusion

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  1. Nav / com radio recommendations
  2. GA style avionics knobs
  3. for Cessna builders
  4. Carb Heat Switch
  5. Glareshield Archive!
  6. Question about GA Gauges!
  7. Anybody need a GA shell?
  8. fuselage for GA
  9. Cessna twin for $225
  10. Can anyone recommend the Elite COM/NAV Module AP4000
  11. Real gauges for GA
  12. Transponder for GA (Cessna)
  13. swap from a 737 to a piper arrow or GA
  14. General Aviation Gauges
  15. Looking for Cessna 206-6 Stationair Drawings
  16. Good GA deals EBay
  17. GA starter keyswitch
  18. cessna 172 style trim wheel
  19. Trim Indicator
  20. Making a NAV / COM Radio Help Needed!
  21. Your Opinion Please?
  22. Cessna 172 simpit glareshield
  23. Where are all the GA builders?
  24. Message To All Members Posting In GA forum
  25. Cessna 172 Measurements
  26. Opinion on monitor layout.
  27. Ga sim qestion
  28. The General Aviation 'Cool Wall' - What's Hot? & What's Not?
  29. Panel build concept for 172...help and advice needed!
  30. How To Make A Wet Compass
  31. Need help on building a Radio
  32. overspeed
  33. Show Us Your GA Pit!
  34. Saw this on you tube Damm there are some clever people out there :-)
  35. Garmin 530 project
  36. Pix of my Cessna 172 project
  37. Trim Wheel Idea?
  38. Gyro spinning up sound?
  39. Landing Gear Light Relay
  40. Bendix Nav/Com KX-165A project
  41. Building A GA Transponder
  42. Backlighting Option
  43. Push/pull controls
  44. Just a mini update!
  45. The K.I.S.S. Pilatus/Generic GA Sim
  46. Glarshield Lighting
  47. Custom Aircraft Paint..
  48. Simkits wanted
  49. Wiring my Bendix radio stack!
  50. Using a real magneto start switch with FSX
  51. asbestos
  52. Plastic sheeting
  53. GPS/Nav switch
  54. Show yourself on Google Maps
  55. PanelMania
  56. New to this forum
  57. Fuel cutoff switch/selector valve
  58. swap 177 yokes for one skyhawk yoke
  59. Help building Cessna 182 MIP
  60. Matrox triple head to go +separate LCD
  61. GarSim530
  62. Connecting multiple wires?
  63. Cessna Measurements?
  64. Cowl Flaps
  65. VC vs 2d Panel Poll
  66. Leo Bodnar's BU0836X & Toggle Switches
  67. Were to find GA Knobs & anonciators
  68. FS9 or FSX
  69. I am looking for a elite AP3000
  70. Cessna 150 Project
  71. bendix com box - help needed
  72. GPS - How exactly does it work!
  73. The best windows for fs
  74. Front Gauge rings
  75. Radio Stack For Sale
  76. Quest Kodiak Pit
  77. Gauges?
  78. My kodiak plans taking shape, couple of questions
  79. Simple Gauge
  80. Happy Xmas
  81. Need C441 Conquest Panel drawings or CAD
  82. Cessna Gauge Face Pics
  83. reel intrument dimensions
  84. Best 8in Screen for GPS and setup
  85. WX500 Weather Radar Hardware.
  86. Beutiful Night Landing (C152)
  87. Projected gauges AND rotary
  88. KMA Audio Panel
  89. GPS undock
  90. FSX ATC messages
  91. Flight Illusion Problems
  92. exploded view Cessna 172
  93. Cessna 182 Gauges
  94. Help for diy radio modules
  95. C172 Cockpit design specifications
  96. painting Cesnna 172 Flight One FSX
  97. Project Magenta Help Needed
  98. Desktop Aviator Autopilot for sale in mycockpit classifieds plus more:
  99. Work in progress MIP
  100. Displays for PC-12 EADI/EHSI
  101. Have the GoFlight Toggle panel and GF MultiPanel, which one next?
  102. My Box (Cessna 150)
  103. SIOC help with low volts light needed
  104. My GA Cockpit project update
  105. Cessna 172 1:1 Panel Drawing
  106. Seat for a GA Simpit?
  107. The Cessna A185F Skywagon
  108. Panel on Second Monitor
  109. Cessna Citation Mustang - Could be funny
  110. Mechanical trim indicator
  111. G-WAVA images
  112. GPS on second Screen in full screen mode ??
  113. Totally Stickered!
  114. Instrument Post Lights ?
  115. Fsxpand (5.8) for Helicopters?
  116. Cessna and Cherokee GA simparts for sale
  117. First attempt GA sim
  118. Help finding switches.
  119. Work on Cessna A185F Amphibious N164RF in now commencing
  120. Is there anything wrong with this?
  121. Why do I need audio?
  123. Personalised Name Badges
  124. I can't remember where I saw a dual rotary encoder
  125. Gauges being built.
  126. Rocker Switches
  127. How build radio station for cessna 152?
  128. Cessna Yoke Column - Yoke Movement ?
  129. Which knob for the CTS288 encoder?
  130. ATR and King Air panels
  131. LED Driver for GA Soon to Be Available
  132. Garmin G1000
  133. Second build. Mooney Bravo
  134. Any good locations to fly VFR with Vatsim coverage in UK or Ireland?
  135. Throttles made by Japan flightsim guy
  136. C172 Parking Brake Length
  137. Training C172
  138. Simkits APU Gauge and PM
  139. For all you Cessna guys...an opportunity
  140. Where can I buy double knobs to radio stack and gauges rings for cessna 152?
  141. Tecnam P2006t simulator
  142. GarSIM2 GNS 530 Reality XP
  143. Short Video of my cockpit
  144. Thrustmaster A-10 Warthog Controller
  145. Flaps switch idea!
  146. 32" Gaming Monitors for sale
  147. TH2GO
  148. Banned from Simkits
  149. Mike Powell VOR/GS CDI schematic QUERY
  150. Prop Sync
  151. Encoder Help
  152. Cirrus Side Stick - CH Yoke mod
  154. GarSIM GNS 530 Reality XP
  156. My pit
  157. Add APU in gauges written on Microsoft visual C++
  158. 1971 E55 Baron
  159. How long are they sticking around?
  160. What kind of stepper engine for GA compass
  161. Building a Cessna 172 Simulator???
  162. looking for small simkits gauge
  163. Garminsim G1000
  164. New Flight Sim!!!
  165. More power for gauges!
  166. Some more progress!
  167. Saitek Pro Flight Yoke Mod
  168. Anyone heard from Leo Bodnar
  169. Choices: Saitek radio panel or GoFlight Radio Panel...
  170. Who's building...and what?
  171. Russian Pit!
  172. GA Inspiration.....
  173. A few pics....
  174. Avidyne Entegra for Cirrus and Piper upgrade
  175. Rudder Trim - Does it physically move the center of the rudder?
  176. HomeSim
  177. Problem with GSA55... any ideas or help is appreciated. Full details inside :)
  178. Cowl Flap Control (Design) Completed
  179. Learn (some) Electronics HERE: Electronics simulator (freeware)
  180. Slowly Getting There....
  181. Radio install in a Cessna 152
  182. The Evolution Of My Sims
  183. Cessna Warning Panel Offsets
  184. Leo Bodnar cards
  185. MIP Placement
  186. Autopilot Problem FS2004 KingAir 350
  187. Best GA Visuals
  188. New Saitek Throttle Unit (TPM)
  189. Painted Lower Section
  190. Cessna 650 cockpit, panel and pedestal
  191. Goflight Radio Overlay!
  192. nricky's New GA Cockpit
  193. Who knows about: turbo prop engine start procedures
  194. What about a DR400
  195. Can I ask a favour please?
  196. A Little update!
  197. Free JustFlight Cessna 152 Download!
  198. SimTouch Software
  199. how interfacing servos and stepper motors ??
  200. VRinsight prop cockpit trainer ??
  201. Selling my sim / baby on the way!
  202. Usb/vga-external videocard...sort of.
  203. Nintendo Power Glove Application to VC
  204. Quick ? on FSUIPC / Widescreen
  205. Gauge Controller
  206. Happy Xmas from me....
  207. Introduction and new project
  208. Printing and painting GA Instrument panel..
  209. fs9 weather online
  210. New Cessna 172 Simulator Project
  211. Does Leo Bodnar still sell controller cards?
  212. C172 Builders and Flap Indicator
  213. Preparation gauges standalone eclipse 500 .....
  214. Piper PA-18 Super Cub Simulator Idea.
  215. Wanted: VRinsight ProPit
  216. My General Aviation Saitek Panel
  217. Hall Effect Sensors?
  218. Question to the group
  219. Nav lights Taxi lights
  220. Singer GA trainer
  221. Leo's Card
  222. Frame friendly external spot plane view solution
  223. Citation XLS/X Shell Design
  224. Saitek Panels
  225. FDT Simboards
  226. flightillutions VS simkits
  227. Help FSUIPC
  228. Visual screen zoom expanding program - good hint for all
  229. glass radio panel ?
  230. Cessna cockpits on ebay uk
  231. bu0836x problem, please help
  232. Advise on Rotary encoders
  233. 7 segment display not from OC
  234. General Aviation Customer Gallery, Products by FTS / SimAVIO
  235. Windshield Sources for Cessna 172 Fuselage?
  236. Prosim737 and Goflight
  237. Cessna sim - how to keep 2D panel on top of virtual cockpit
  238. Glass or Analog ?
  239. Using Multiple BU0836X Cards
  240. 2004 FSUIPC list of control
  241. External view
  242. Air Cadets Flight Simulator Build
  243. Enstrom Cockpit Simulator Available Soon
  244. Evolutive helicopter project
  245. Steve Masters Emuteq GNS530 and Gauge Rings
  246. COM/NAV/ADF Audio selector panel
  247. I have a decal machine!
  248. So, where do I start?
  249. some pictures
  250. Extending CH Yoke...