- Nav / com radio recommendations
- GA style avionics knobs
- for Cessna builders
- Carb Heat Switch
- Glareshield Archive!
- Question about GA Gauges!
- Anybody need a GA shell?
- fuselage for GA
- Cessna twin for $225
- Can anyone recommend the Elite COM/NAV Module AP4000
- Real gauges for GA
- Transponder for GA (Cessna)
- swap from a 737 to a piper arrow or GA
- General Aviation Gauges
- Looking for Cessna 206-6 Stationair Drawings
- Good GA deals EBay
- GA starter keyswitch
- cessna 172 style trim wheel
- Trim Indicator
- Making a NAV / COM Radio Help Needed!
- Your Opinion Please?
- Cessna 172 simpit glareshield
- Where are all the GA builders?
- Message To All Members Posting In GA forum
- Cessna 172 Measurements
- Opinion on monitor layout.
- Ga sim qestion
- The General Aviation 'Cool Wall' - What's Hot? & What's Not?
- Panel build concept for 172...help and advice needed!
- How To Make A Wet Compass
- Need help on building a Radio
- overspeed
- Show Us Your GA Pit!
- Saw this on you tube Damm there are some clever people out there :-)
- Garmin 530 project
- Pix of my Cessna 172 project
- Trim Wheel Idea?
- Gyro spinning up sound?
- Landing Gear Light Relay
- Bendix Nav/Com KX-165A project
- Building A GA Transponder
- Backlighting Option
- Push/pull controls
- Just a mini update!
- The K.I.S.S. Pilatus/Generic GA Sim
- Glarshield Lighting
- Custom Aircraft Paint..
- Simkits wanted
- Wiring my Bendix radio stack!
- Using a real magneto start switch with FSX
- asbestos
- Plastic sheeting
- GPS/Nav switch
- Show yourself on Google Maps
- PanelMania
- New to this forum
- Fuel cutoff switch/selector valve
- swap 177 yokes for one skyhawk yoke
- Help building Cessna 182 MIP
- Matrox triple head to go +separate LCD
- GarSim530
- Connecting multiple wires?
- Cessna Measurements?
- Cowl Flaps
- VC vs 2d Panel Poll
- Leo Bodnar's BU0836X & Toggle Switches
- Were to find GA Knobs & anonciators
- FS9 or FSX
- I am looking for a elite AP3000
- Cessna 150 Project
- bendix com box - help needed
- GPS - How exactly does it work!
- The best windows for fs
- Front Gauge rings
- Radio Stack For Sale
- Quest Kodiak Pit
- Gauges?
- My kodiak plans taking shape, couple of questions
- Simple Gauge
- Happy Xmas
- Need C441 Conquest Panel drawings or CAD
- Cessna Gauge Face Pics
- reel intrument dimensions
- Best 8in Screen for GPS and setup
- WX500 Weather Radar Hardware.
- Beutiful Night Landing (C152)
- Projected gauges AND rotary
- KMA Audio Panel
- GPS undock
- FSX ATC messages
- Flight Illusion Problems
- exploded view Cessna 172
- Cessna 182 Gauges
- Help for diy radio modules
- C172 Cockpit design specifications
- painting Cesnna 172 Flight One FSX
- Project Magenta Help Needed
- Desktop Aviator Autopilot for sale in mycockpit classifieds plus more:
- Work in progress MIP
- Displays for PC-12 EADI/EHSI
- Have the GoFlight Toggle panel and GF MultiPanel, which one next?
- My Box (Cessna 150)
- SIOC help with low volts light needed
- My GA Cockpit project update
- Cessna 172 1:1 Panel Drawing
- Seat for a GA Simpit?
- The Cessna A185F Skywagon
- Panel on Second Monitor
- Cessna Citation Mustang - Could be funny
- Mechanical trim indicator
- G-WAVA images
- GPS on second Screen in full screen mode ??
- Totally Stickered!
- Instrument Post Lights ?
- Fsxpand (5.8) for Helicopters?
- Cessna and Cherokee GA simparts for sale
- First attempt GA sim
- Help finding switches.
- Work on Cessna A185F Amphibious N164RF in now commencing
- Is there anything wrong with this?
- Why do I need audio?
- Personalised Name Badges
- I can't remember where I saw a dual rotary encoder
- Gauges being built.
- Rocker Switches
- How build radio station for cessna 152?
- Cessna Yoke Column - Yoke Movement ?
- Which knob for the CTS288 encoder?
- ATR and King Air panels
- LED Driver for GA Soon to Be Available
- Garmin G1000
- Second build. Mooney Bravo
- Any good locations to fly VFR with Vatsim coverage in UK or Ireland?
- Throttles made by Japan flightsim guy
- C172 Parking Brake Length
- Training C172
- Simkits APU Gauge and PM
- For all you Cessna guys...an opportunity
- Where can I buy double knobs to radio stack and gauges rings for cessna 152?
- Tecnam P2006t simulator
- GarSIM2 GNS 530 Reality XP
- Short Video of my cockpit
- Thrustmaster A-10 Warthog Controller
- Flaps switch idea!
- 32" Gaming Monitors for sale
- Banned from Simkits
- Mike Powell VOR/GS CDI schematic QUERY
- Prop Sync
- Encoder Help
- Cirrus Side Stick - CH Yoke mod
- GarSIM GNS 530 Reality XP
- My pit
- Add APU in gauges written on Microsoft visual C++
- 1971 E55 Baron
- How long are they sticking around?
- What kind of stepper engine for GA compass
- Building a Cessna 172 Simulator???
- looking for small simkits gauge
- Garminsim G1000
- New Flight Sim!!!
- More power for gauges!
- Some more progress!
- Saitek Pro Flight Yoke Mod
- Anyone heard from Leo Bodnar
- Choices: Saitek radio panel or GoFlight Radio Panel...
- Who's building...and what?
- Russian Pit!
- GA Inspiration.....
- A few pics....
- Avidyne Entegra for Cirrus and Piper upgrade
- Rudder Trim - Does it physically move the center of the rudder?
- HomeSim
- Problem with GSA55... any ideas or help is appreciated. Full details inside :)
- Cowl Flap Control (Design) Completed
- Learn (some) Electronics HERE: Electronics simulator (freeware)
- Slowly Getting There....
- Radio install in a Cessna 152
- The Evolution Of My Sims
- Cessna Warning Panel Offsets
- Leo Bodnar cards
- MIP Placement
- Autopilot Problem FS2004 KingAir 350
- Best GA Visuals
- New Saitek Throttle Unit (TPM)
- Painted Lower Section
- Cessna 650 cockpit, panel and pedestal
- Goflight Radio Overlay!
- nricky's New GA Cockpit
- Who knows about: turbo prop engine start procedures
- What about a DR400
- Can I ask a favour please?
- A Little update!
- Free JustFlight Cessna 152 Download!
- SimTouch Software
- how interfacing servos and stepper motors ??
- VRinsight prop cockpit trainer ??
- Selling my sim / baby on the way!
- Usb/vga-external videocard...sort of.
- Nintendo Power Glove Application to VC
- Quick ? on FSUIPC / Widescreen
- Gauge Controller
- Happy Xmas from me....
- Introduction and new project
- Printing and painting GA Instrument panel..
- fs9 weather online
- New Cessna 172 Simulator Project
- Does Leo Bodnar still sell controller cards?
- C172 Builders and Flap Indicator
- Preparation gauges standalone eclipse 500 .....
- Piper PA-18 Super Cub Simulator Idea.
- Wanted: VRinsight ProPit
- My General Aviation Saitek Panel
- Hall Effect Sensors?
- Question to the group
- Nav lights Taxi lights
- Singer GA trainer
- Leo's Card
- Frame friendly external spot plane view solution
- Citation XLS/X Shell Design
- Saitek Panels
- FDT Simboards
- flightillutions VS simkits
- Visual screen zoom expanding program - good hint for all
- glass radio panel ?
- Cessna cockpits on ebay uk
- bu0836x problem, please help
- Advise on Rotary encoders
- 7 segment display not from OC
- General Aviation Customer Gallery, Products by FTS / SimAVIO
- Windshield Sources for Cessna 172 Fuselage?
- Prosim737 and Goflight
- Cessna sim - how to keep 2D panel on top of virtual cockpit
- Glass or Analog ?
- Using Multiple BU0836X Cards
- 2004 FSUIPC list of control
- External view
- Air Cadets Flight Simulator Build
- Enstrom Cockpit Simulator Available Soon
- Evolutive helicopter project
- Steve Masters Emuteq GNS530 and Gauge Rings
- COM/NAV/ADF Audio selector panel
- I have a decal machine!
- So, where do I start?
- some pictures
- Extending CH Yoke...