View Full Version : Projector Solutions

  1. How to set up a 3 projector display
  2. SOL7 Question
  3. Rear projection screen material
  4. Projector Resolutions
  5. Projector Assistance
  6. XGA versus WXGA
  7. Mini Projector for $69.97 ??????
  8. Sol7 question
  9. New Immersaview application specifically for home cockpit builders NTHUSIM
  10. (BenQ) Short throw projectors.
  11. 180 degree fov with one single projector
  12. A different approach (perhaps old) to projection!!!
  13. Curved Screens vs. Flat Screens
  15. 1 projector or 3 monitors?
  16. Mini projectors ?
  17. Captains Eyepoint?
  18. Mirrors and Curved Screens
  19. Advice needed!!
  20. Is anyone using the Acer X1230 DLP Projector?
  21. I have half a meter, which short throw projector would fit ?
  22. How do I set up three projectors for FS2004?
  23. Some projector advice for a visuals noob!
  24. Curved screen
  25. my setup and question about mylar
  28. NTHUSIM 3.0 adds edge blending
  29. Immersive Display Lite 2 - Soft Edge Blending
  30. Dual projectors advices ?
  31. Projector flicker
  32. 2 projector question
  33. Projector using fresnel lens ?
  34. Dell MP 1800 Projector For Sale!!!
  35. Optoma EX525ST
  36. How to choose a projector
  37. Projector question
  38. base leg
  39. Help on Single 1080P projector for Virtual Cockpit
  40. My foray in to triple projectors on a curved screen
  41. Making a curved screen for Nthusim
  42. set of 3 1280x1024 Short throw for sale.
  43. Front or Rear projection
  44. My single projector set up
  45. Needing a lil help building a simulator
  46. Projector question
  47. 180 Degree Screen with 3X Projector mounts direct from China
  48. Creating my first 3 projector cockpit....
  49. Wall Mounted Projectors?
  50. Best 1080p short-throw projector?
  51. Curved Screen Question
  52. Need solution for long-term art installation projector display.
  53. Warping Software
  54. Smart boards for simpit
  55. Full HD for 180° view feasable?