- Brainstorming for a collimated mirror display
- New Forum Cockpit Outside Visualization
- Share a Fellow Builders Visual Dilemma
- Test of TripleHead2Go and 3 projectors
- New Projection Screen Paint
- Rear projection screens -- pros and cons
- visuals
- anyone tried this
- Side visuals
- Visual system?
- Perspective
- Navigation lights too big when using a beamer
- 2 monitors
- Info on my beamer setup available!
- Hotspot gone......
- Triplehead2go
- Eyepoint issue with Dual Monitors
- The big picture
- Curved Projection
- Paint and Liveries - How'd you choose?
- Stretching over 2 screens
- Outside view: screen setup.. ideas?
- virtual cockpit
- Monitors or Projector?
- Rear projector questions ?
- 2D & VC Images
- The future for flight simulation?
- Triplehead screen setup
- 45 Degree views in FSX
- Image Distortion with TH2GO Digital
- TripleHead2Go plus single monitor?
- reflection
- Using Mirrors with projector to make short throw image
- 3 views with SLI
- Screen Goo anyone?
- Performance: Windowed vs. Full Screen
- Anyone Tried This?
- Advice on projector
- Th2go
- Monitors
- Samsung 245BW
- What is the way to go?
- From FSInsider...
- TripleHead2Go Setup Problem
- Side (left) view monitor - disalignment
- Visuals and LCD set-up
- 10" Lcd???
- Question about actual size
- 3 monitors and 1 projector??
- How did they do this?
- Details of our 2nd generation visual system
- 3x 32´LCD or 3 Beamer setup for visualisation
- One VERY exciting software program
- Anamorphous lenses - Experiences?
- Cost effective projector bulb source
- SoftTH - A software alternative to TH2G
- Shredded image
- Live from CES 2008
- 3D
- Sol7 (ImmersaView) Commitment to supporting this community
- Help for visual method
- frame rates
- TH2Go -Does anyone have a solution for this?
- 3 to go on ONE graphics card????
- Adding side views
- Beamers????????????
- Projector Advice
- Good visuals
- B I G! View Monitors
- single 8800 and 2 projectors.
- 2 projectors and matrox triple head
- Widescreen Monitors
- Pilot Eyepoint
- Quad Graphics Cards
- Hacking Monitors!
- Silly Question on Framerates!!
- Anyone using this Projector ?
- Left And Right View Monitors!
- Painting Screens for Projectors.
- Zoom Factor for TH2G
- High Contrast Grey or ?
- Extreme short throw projector.
- Is it possible to make a full canopy projection cockpit?
- Sol 7 test onto the cylindrical screen setup
- Inexpensive Immersive Projection
- TH2go (TripleHead2Go) - Jerky display
- TH2Go Times Two!
- How do I add the propeller in the 2d panel view?
- Outside Visualization Plan
- To BE or NOT to BE ??
- Rotating view 90 deg.
- What's the best projected image size using projectors?
- Projector Mirrors
- USB to VGA converters
- Frensnel lens collimation question?
- Basic Sol7 question.
- Sol7/FS2002
- DIY Projection Kits
- Using DVI out's and S-Video
- Projector Image Spills
- Taxi speed
- Help choosing outside visual system please
- 2 LCD´s and middle position
- Projector setup question
- Monitor size with TH2G
- 3 screens and 1 projector
- Is SLI a good way of getting increased frame rates in FSX?
- 42" Lcd X2
- Recommended Projectors for Cockpits
- Rear Projection
- DH2GO/THH2GO Analogue or Digital?
- Projection resolution
- double TH2GO
- (HELP)Image Projection
- Oled
- 3 projectors and semi-circular screen setup
- Resolution out?
- Very nice calculator
- Forward view
- Image warping
- which size monitor
- Visuals
- Dimensions
- Wideview Questions
- Screen size
- 3D Projection
- Interesting reading about Multiprojection
- Matrox Quad Head Video Card
- Removing the panels in VC mode
- Change viewing position?
- FSX with Matrox Triplehead
- new projector
- 180 visual in Pacific Simulators
- Newb: WideFS and WidevieW !!
- Left & right outside views?
- Anyone tried the Bugeye idea ?
- how to pan multiple views simultaneously
- Triplehead2go + extra monitor = 4 views
- Front view VC fixed bitmap
- Remote panel display - on the cheap?
- Matrox Triplehead2Go and texture tearing
- Three projector setup... where to start
- projectors vs flat TV
- Best width of projected image?
- 3 projector with TH2GO
- 3 things to keep in mind with projection
- Triplehead analog and Vista
- triplehead2go digital
- outside cockpit View
- undocking windows
- New Projectors and Flat Screens
- Image Quality for Projectors
- Image distortion
- out side view 1 or 3 computer
- Black Widow Paint
- How are you guys getting 180 deg FOV
- 3 projectors model help to choose one
- Members average screen size
- home made curved screen
- TH2GO vs Large 27" Flat Screen
- windows xp 64
- TV vs LCD
- XP 64 : dualhead2go or expanded mode ?
- For the geek in all of us!!
- Software TH2GO now work with FSX!!!
- Newbie needs advise
- Possible layout?
- Monitor size for 737NG cockpit
- Best projector
- VR headset
- Fourth monitor no workie
- Projection distance
- TV versus projector
- Triple Head to Go Users
- TH2Go or quad head videocard?
- Gonna try WidevieW
- Good Mult-Monitor Posting on AVSIM
- WidevieW Really Works!
- Zomm Factor with 47"LCD
- 160 degree bubble monitor
- alignment of views
- Frameless Monitors
- Emperor Workstation
- Wideview/Widetraffic
- Something to think about perhaps?
- WidevieW or Computer observations
- WidevieW Experimentation
- My first WidevieW video... crude but effective
- Wideview Stills from Edinbourgh and Stuttgart
- outside visuals brainstorm
- I can't believewhat WideView is capable of...
- TH2G and Single monitor
- Dell 2209WA and TH2GO users
- inch TFT screens for gps use
- TH2GO and 2 large LCD tv's
- TH2GO & Monitors
- help with FSUIPC views Saitek Yoke
- Impressive F16 sim visual
- Projector Screen material
- Dome or cylindrical projection?
- Rear Projection onto Canopy?
- new hardware alternative to Matrox TH2GO
- TH2GO runway markings/rain (FS2004)
- ATI Eyefinity - Multi Monitors
- Two projector outside view
- TH2G for two monitors?
- TH2GO for forward visuals and MIP
- Advise on 2 old projectors
- DIY projector using overhead projector?
- DVI HDMI and projector resolution
- Matrox M9188 - 8 monitor support
- Please help! TH2GO Digital Not working
- Ex58/I7 Win7 64 bit Matrox th2go digital
- Attn:skylane
- How to get the widest FOV
- SoftTH with 5 monitors FSX
- TOOB dome for projector
- Pictures of my curved screen setup
- Great notes on a short throw 3 projector setup!
- 3 Projector setup with wide screen projectors
- Projector Screen Idea ???
- Curved Screen
- 3head2go in action
- Borders on windows, window alignment tool
- Anyone with triple plasmas ??
- 3D Ready Projector?
- FS9 zoom factor influence on weather effects
- Different Screen sizes, different resolutions, TH2Go, full screen mode.
- 3D - is this the future?
- Capt. and copilot views ?
- Matrox TH2go Analogue being sold
- Crabbing effect on views
- Cockpit Outside Vis solution please
- Better WideView Performance Tip
- Sol7 or NTHUSIM
- ATI HD5760 and TH2GO?
- Projector replacement
- projection setup with a mirror
- calculating projection with a Mirror setup
- surround view experiences
- Wideview help tool
- Th2GO world of pain...any help appreciated.
- some videos
- SOL7 3 channel dongle and software for sale - Checkout the classified section SAVE £1000
- jDome : 3d projection screen
- Windowmaker tool updated!
- Projector Idea