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  1. Brainstorming for a collimated mirror display
  2. New Forum Cockpit Outside Visualization
  3. Share a Fellow Builders Visual Dilemma
  4. Test of TripleHead2Go and 3 projectors
  5. New Projection Screen Paint
  6. Rear projection screens -- pros and cons
  7. visuals
  8. anyone tried this
  9. Side visuals
  10. Visual system?
  11. Perspective
  12. Navigation lights too big when using a beamer
  13. 2 monitors
  14. Info on my beamer setup available!
  15. Hotspot gone......
  16. Triplehead2go
  17. Eyepoint issue with Dual Monitors
  18. The big picture
  19. Curved Projection
  20. Paint and Liveries - How'd you choose?
  21. Stretching over 2 screens
  22. Outside view: screen setup.. ideas?
  23. virtual cockpit
  24. Monitors or Projector?
  25. Rear projector questions ?
  26. 2D & VC Images
  27. The future for flight simulation?
  28. Triplehead screen setup
  29. 45 Degree views in FSX
  30. Image Distortion with TH2GO Digital
  31. TripleHead2Go plus single monitor?
  32. reflection
  33. Using Mirrors with projector to make short throw image
  34. 3 views with SLI
  35. Screen Goo anyone?
  36. Performance: Windowed vs. Full Screen
  37. Anyone Tried This?
  38. Advice on projector
  39. Th2go
  40. Monitors
  41. Samsung 245BW
  42. What is the way to go?
  43. From FSInsider...
  44. TripleHead2Go Setup Problem
  45. Side (left) view monitor - disalignment
  46. Visuals and LCD set-up
  47. 10" Lcd???
  48. Question about actual size
  49. 3 monitors and 1 projector??
  50. How did they do this?
  51. Details of our 2nd generation visual system
  52. 3x 32´LCD or 3 Beamer setup for visualisation
  53. One VERY exciting software program
  54. Anamorphous lenses - Experiences?
  55. Cost effective projector bulb source
  56. SoftTH - A software alternative to TH2G
  57. Shredded image
  58. Live from CES 2008
  59. 3D
  60. Sol7 (ImmersaView) Commitment to supporting this community
  61. Help for visual method
  62. frame rates
  63. TH2Go -Does anyone have a solution for this?
  64. 3 to go on ONE graphics card????
  65. Adding side views
  66. Beamers????????????
  67. Projector Advice
  68. Good visuals
  69. B I G! View Monitors
  70. single 8800 and 2 projectors.
  71. 2 projectors and matrox triple head
  72. Widescreen Monitors
  73. Pilot Eyepoint
  74. Quad Graphics Cards
  75. Hacking Monitors!
  76. Silly Question on Framerates!!
  77. Anyone using this Projector ?
  78. Left And Right View Monitors!
  79. Painting Screens for Projectors.
  80. Zoom Factor for TH2G
  81. High Contrast Grey or ?
  82. Extreme short throw projector.
  83. Is it possible to make a full canopy projection cockpit?
  84. Sol 7 test onto the cylindrical screen setup
  85. USB to VGA MONITORS!!!
  86. Inexpensive Immersive Projection
  87. TH2go (TripleHead2Go) - Jerky display
  88. TH2Go Times Two!
  89. How do I add the propeller in the 2d panel view?
  90. Outside Visualization Plan
  91. To BE or NOT to BE ??
  92. Rotating view 90 deg.
  93. What's the best projected image size using projectors?
  94. Projector Mirrors
  95. USB to VGA converters
  96. Frensnel lens collimation question?
  97. Basic Sol7 question.
  98. Sol7/FS2002
  99. DIY Projection Kits
  100. Using DVI out's and S-Video
  101. Projector Image Spills
  102. Taxi speed
  103. Help choosing outside visual system please
  104. 2 LCD´s and middle position
  105. Projector setup question
  106. Monitor size with TH2G
  107. 3 screens and 1 projector
  108. Is SLI a good way of getting increased frame rates in FSX?
  109. 42" Lcd X2
  110. Recommended Projectors for Cockpits
  111. Rear Projection
  112. DH2GO/THH2GO Analogue or Digital?
  113. Projection resolution
  114. double TH2GO
  115. (HELP)Image Projection
  116. Oled
  117. 3 projectors and semi-circular screen setup
  118. Resolution out?
  119. Very nice calculator
  120. Forward view
  121. Image warping
  122. which size monitor
  123. Visuals
  124. Dimensions
  125. Wideview Questions
  126. Screen size
  127. 3D Projection
  128. Interesting reading about Multiprojection
  129. Matrox Quad Head Video Card
  130. Removing the panels in VC mode
  131. Change viewing position?
  132. FSX with Matrox Triplehead
  133. new projector
  134. 180 visual in Pacific Simulators
  135. Newb: WideFS and WidevieW !!
  136. Left & right outside views?
  137. Anyone tried the Bugeye idea ?
  138. how to pan multiple views simultaneously
  139. Triplehead2go + extra monitor = 4 views
  140. Front view VC fixed bitmap
  141. Remote panel display - on the cheap?
  142. Matrox Triplehead2Go and texture tearing
  143. Three projector setup... where to start
  144. projectors vs flat TV
  145. Best width of projected image?
  146. 3 projector with TH2GO
  147. 3 things to keep in mind with projection
  148. Triplehead analog and Vista
  149. triplehead2go digital
  150. outside cockpit View
  151. undocking windows
  152. New Projectors and Flat Screens
  153. Image Quality for Projectors
  154. Image distortion
  155. out side view 1 or 3 computer
  156. Black Widow Paint
  157. How are you guys getting 180 deg FOV
  158. 3 projectors model help to choose one
  159. Members average screen size
  160. home made curved screen
  161. TH2GO vs Large 27" Flat Screen
  162. windows xp 64
  163. TV vs LCD
  164. XP 64 : dualhead2go or expanded mode ?
  165. For the geek in all of us!!
  166. Software TH2GO now work with FSX!!!
  167. Newbie needs advise
  168. Possible layout?
  169. Monitor size for 737NG cockpit
  170. Best projector
  171. VR headset
  172. Fourth monitor no workie
  173. Projection distance
  174. TV versus projector
  175. Triple Head to Go Users
  176. TH2Go or quad head videocard?
  177. Gonna try WidevieW
  178. Good Mult-Monitor Posting on AVSIM
  179. WidevieW Really Works!
  180. Zomm Factor with 47"LCD
  181. 160 degree bubble monitor
  182. alignment of views
  183. Frameless Monitors
  184. Emperor Workstation
  185. Wideview/Widetraffic
  186. Something to think about perhaps?
  187. WidevieW or Computer observations
  188. WidevieW Experimentation
  189. My first WidevieW video... crude but effective
  190. Wideview Stills from Edinbourgh and Stuttgart
  191. outside visuals brainstorm
  192. I can't believewhat WideView is capable of...
  193. TH2G and Single monitor
  194. Dell 2209WA and TH2GO users
  195. inch TFT screens for gps use
  196. TH2GO and 2 large LCD tv's
  197. TH2GO & Monitors
  198. help with FSUIPC views Saitek Yoke
  199. Impressive F16 sim visual
  200. Projector Screen material
  201. Dome or cylindrical projection?
  202. Rear Projection onto Canopy?
  203. new hardware alternative to Matrox TH2GO
  204. TH2GO runway markings/rain (FS2004)
  205. ATI Eyefinity - Multi Monitors
  206. Two projector outside view
  207. TH2G for two monitors?
  208. TH2GO for forward visuals and MIP
  209. Advise on 2 old projectors
  210. DIY projector using overhead projector?
  211. DVI HDMI and projector resolution
  212. Matrox M9188 - 8 monitor support
  213. Please help! TH2GO Digital Not working
  214. Ex58/I7 Win7 64 bit Matrox th2go digital
  215. Attn:skylane
  216. How to get the widest FOV
  217. SoftTH with 5 monitors FSX
  218. TOOB dome for projector
  219. Pictures of my curved screen setup
  220. Great notes on a short throw 3 projector setup!
  221. 3 Projector setup with wide screen projectors
  222. Projector Screen Idea ???
  223. Curved Screen
  224. 3head2go in action
  225. Borders on windows, window alignment tool
  226. Anyone with triple plasmas ??
  227. 3D Ready Projector?
  228. FS9 zoom factor influence on weather effects
  229. Different Screen sizes, different resolutions, TH2Go, full screen mode.
  230. 3D - is this the future?
  232. Capt. and copilot views ?
  234. Matrox TH2go Analogue being sold
  235. Crabbing effect on views
  236. Cockpit Outside Vis solution please
  237. Better WideView Performance Tip
  238. Sol7 or NTHUSIM
  239. ATI HD5760 and TH2GO?
  240. Projector replacement
  241. projection setup with a mirror
  242. calculating projection with a Mirror setup
  243. surround view experiences
  244. Wideview help tool
  245. Th2GO world of pain...any help appreciated.
  246. some videos
  247. SOL7 3 channel dongle and software for sale - Checkout the classified section SAVE £1000
  248. jDome : 3d projection screen
  249. Windowmaker tool updated!
  250. Projector Idea