Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    Phil Waecker

    Transfer bus off annunciators


    I have one question concerning the Transfer Bus annunciators on the 737

    Those are defined as textlightboxes with the following var transbus1=off. If
    I understand correctly this means it lights when transbus1 value is set to
    off. Up to there no problem.
    What I don't understand is that when we cut the power, batt to off the
    transbus1 variable is off but it doesn't light !

    How is this done ?



  2. #2
    Thomas Richter

    Re: Transfer bus off annunciators

    Hi Phil,
    it is done inside pmSystems.
    When Batt1 is switch to OFF all TextLightBoxes and Gauges are going to OFF,

    also if they are in the background are ON.

    Best Regards
    Thomas Richter

    "Phil Waecker" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    > Hello,
    > I have one question concerning the Transfer Bus annunciators on the 737
    > panel.
    > Those are defined as textlightboxes with the following var transbus1=off.

    > If
    > I understand correctly this means it lights when transbus1 value is set

    > off. Up to there no problem.
    > What I don't understand is that when we cut the power, batt to off the
    > transbus1 variable is off but it doesn't light !
    > How is this done ?
    > Regards
    > Phil

  3. #3
    Phil Waecker

    Re: Transfer bus off annunciators

    Thanks very much for this answer ! I was suspecting something like that but
    had never been confronted to the problem before. Since I am now connecting
    the overhead to IOCards hardware I noticed that those transfer bus lights
    remained always on !

    Nice evening


  4. #4
    Thomas Richter

    Re: Transfer bus off annunciators

    Hi Phil,
    I use also IOCards (with SIOC) and Phidgets.
    I will upload in some days a new 737NG098-file, there I use new Offsets:
    TransBus1Fault, ....
    Because I had the same problem, so I changed the logic.

    Best Regards
    Thomas Richter

    "Phil Waecker" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    > Thanks very much for this answer ! I was suspecting something like that
    > but
    > had never been confronted to the problem before. Since I am now

    > the overhead to IOCards hardware I noticed that those transfer bus lights
    > remained always on !
    > Nice evening
    > Phil

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