Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    Randy Eskow

    Setting the controls sensitivity


    I notice that my rudder and elevator and even the roll are either to
    sensitive or not sensitive enough. I do go into the Sensitivity section and try
    diff settings. Is there another place to go, ie, config files, to set them
    even better. I am using the regular 737 files from PM.

  2. #2
    Rob Archer

    Re: Setting the controls sensitivity

    Had a real 737 pilot in my sim and confirmed that the PMDg i was using was
    WAY to sluggish in power and pitch/ Go into your aircraft CFG and in the
    section where it has the area of the different control surfaces. Make the
    elevator area bigger or smaller depending on the "feel" you are looking
    Same for ailerons as well.
    "Randy Eskow" wrote in message
    > Hi,
    > I notice that my rudder and elevator and even the roll are either to
    > sensitive or not sensitive enough. I do go into the Sensitivity section

    and try
    > diff settings. Is there another place to go, ie, config files, to set

    > even better. I am using the regular 737 files from PM.
    > Thanks
    > Randy

  3. #3
    Peter Hein

    Re: Setting the controls sensitivity

    Hi Rob,

    since you had the chance to have a real 737 pilot to "feel" your PMDG and
    assuinge you have optimized that aircrft cfg file to come closer to reality,
    I磀 like to ask you whether you磀 like to share with us "PM Family" that
    file or the numbers to be changed.

    Would be great to make a step forward in terms of "feel" the real.


    Best rgds


  4. #4
    Hans Krohn

    Re: Setting the controls sensitivity

    I second that!


    "Peter Hein" wrote in message
    > Hi Rob,
    > since you had the chance to have a real 737 pilot to "feel" your PMDG and
    > assuinge you have optimized that aircrft cfg file to come closer to
    > reality,
    > I磀 like to ask you whether you磀 like to share with us "PM Family" that
    > file or the numbers to be changed.
    > Would be great to make a step forward in terms of "feel" the real.
    > Thanks
    > Best rgds
    > Peter

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