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  1. #1
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    Script for 2 encoders and 6 seven seg displays

    I built a COM1 radio with 5 digit displays and a dual concentric encoder and it was working fine but recently I changed to 6 digit displays. I couldn't find an example sioc script using 2 encoders. I tried to modify my file so the decimals would increase/decrease properly rather than in increments of .003, .006,.009,.012 etc. but I just made matters worse. Can someone point me to an example file using 2 rotary encoders or tell me whats wrong with my file.


    // * COM1

    Var 6000 // Standby Frequency 2D High Digits
    CALL V6012 // Send value to Simulator

    Var 6001 // Standby Frequency 2D Low Digits
    CALL V6012 // Send value to Simulator

    Var 6002, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 3, Digit 64, Numbers 6 // Active Radio Frequency

    Var 6003, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 3, Digit 70, Numbers 3 // Standby Frequency Low Digits

    Var 6004, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 3, Digit 73, Numbers 2 // Standby Frequency High Digits

    Var 6005, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 3, Digit 75, Numbers 1 // Standby Frequency 1 Digit

    Var 6006, Value 0

    Var 6007, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $311A, Length 2 // COM1 Standby Frequency
    V6004 = V6000 // Send high digits to display
    V6003 = V6001 // Send low digits to display
    V6005 = 1

    Var 6008, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $034E, Length 2 // COM1 Active Frequency
    L0 = FROMBCD V6008 // change to binary
    V6002 = L0 + 100000 // and display the 1 in front

    Var 6009, Link IOCARD_SW, Device 3, Input 110, Type P // SWAP Active/Standby
    L0 = V6000 * 100 // Value of 2 high digits
    L0 = L0 + V6001 // + value of low digits
    L1 = FROMBCD V6008 // Change the current frequency to Decimal
    V6008 = TOBCD L0 // and send the frequency to Standby
    L0 = L1 / 100 // Get the 2 High Digits
    V6000 = TRUNC L0 // Se los paso a la variable
    L2 = V6000 * 100
    V6001 = L1 - L2 // Paso los 2 digitos bajos

    Var 6010, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 3, Input 94, Aceleration 1, Type 2 // High Digits
    V6000 = ROTATE 18 ,36 ,V6010 // Increase/Decrease considering limites 18-36

    Var 6011, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 3, Input 96, Aceleration 1, Type 2 // Low Digits
    IF V6011 > 0 // If the frequency increases
    IF V6001 = 975 // If it is the high limit
    V6001 = 0 // Change to 0
    ELSE // If it is not the high limit
    L0 = V6001 + 3 // Sumo 3 pero ahora reviso...
    L1 = L0 / 100 // Saco unidades
    L1 = TRUNC L1
    L1 = L1 * 100
    L1 = L0 - L1
    IF L1 = 3 // Si las unidades terminan en 3
    L0 = L0 + 1 // Decremento en 1
    IF L1 = 8 // Si las unidades terminan en 8
    L0 = L0 - 1 // Decremento en 1
    V6001 = L0 // Paso el valor final
    ELSE // Si es un decremento de Frecuencia
    IF V6001 = 0 // Si ha llegado al limite
    V6001 = 97 // Paso al valor alto
    ELSE // Si no ha llegado al limite
    L0 = V6001 - 3
    IF L0 = -1 // Miro si es -1 que corresponde a 0
    V6001 = 0 // asigno entonces 0
    ELSE // Prosigo con lextraccion de las unidades
    L1 = L0 / 10 // Saco unidades
    L1 = TRUNC L1
    L1 = L1 * 10
    L1 = L0 - L1
    IF L1 = 4 // Si termina en 4 corresponde con 5
    L0 = L0 + 1
    IF L1 = 9 // Si termina en 9 corresponde con 0
    L0 = L0 + 1
    V6001 = L0 // Paso el valor a la variable

    Var 6012, Link SUBRUTINE // Manda valor a frecuencia standby
    L0 = V6000 * 100 // Monta el n鷐ero
    L0 = L0 + V6001
    V6007 = TOBCD L0 // Pasamos a BCD y enviamos al simulador

  2. #2
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    Re: Script for 2 encoders and 6 seven seg displays

    I think I finally got the decimals to work right but when I swap the frequencies its putting a 0 in front on the active instead of a 1. I tried adding a 0 but it didn't work.

    // * COM1

    Var 6000 // Standby Frequency 2D High Digits
    CALL V6012 // Send value to Simulator

    Var 6001 // Standby Frequency 2D Low Digits
    CALL V6012 // Send value to Simulator

    Var 6002, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 3, Digit 64, Numbers 6 // Active Radio Frequency

    Var 6003, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 3, Digit 70, Numbers 3 // Standby Frequency Low Digits

    Var 6004, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 3, Digit 73, Numbers 2 // Standby Frequency High Digits

    Var 6005, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 3, Digit 75, Numbers 1 // Standby Frequency 1 Digit

    Var 6006, Value 0

    Var 6007, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $311A, Length 2 // com2 Standby Frequency
    V6004 = V6000 // Send high digits to display
    V6003 = V6001 // Send low digits to display
    V6005 = 1

    Var 6008, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $034E, Length 2 // com2 Active Frequency
    L0 = FROMBCD V6008 // change to binary
    V6002 = L0 + 10000 // and display the 1 in front

    Var 6009, Link IOCARD_SW, Device 3, Input 110, Type P // SWAP Active/Standby
    L0 = V6000 * 100 // Value of 2 high digits
    L0 = L0 + V6001 // + value of low digits
    L1 = FROMBCD V6008 // Change the current frequency to Decimal
    V6008 = TOBCD L0 // and send the frequency to Standby
    L0 = L1 / 100 // Get the 2 High Digits
    V6000 = TRUNC L0 // Se los paso a la variable
    L2 = V6000 * 100
    V6001 = L1 - L2 // Paso los 2 digitos bajos

    Var 6010, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 3, Input 94, Aceleration 1, Type 2 // High Digits
    V6000 = ROTATE 18 ,36 ,V6010 // Increase/Decrease considering limites 18-36

    Var 6011, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 3, Input 96, Aceleration 1, Type 2 // Low Digits
    IF V6011 > 0 // If the frequency increases
    IF V6001 = 975 // If it is the high limit
    V6001 = 0 // Change to 0
    ELSE // If it is not the high limit
    L0 = V6001 + 3 // Sumo 3 pero ahora reviso...
    L1 = L0 / 10 // Saco unidades
    L1 = TRUNC L1
    L1 = L1 * 10
    L1 = L0 - L1
    IF L1 = 3 // If the digits end in 3
    L0 = L0 + 1 // Decremento en 1
    IF L1 = 8 // If the digits end in 8
    L0 = L0 - 1 // Decremento en 1
    V6001 = L0 // Pass the final value
    ELSE // If the frequency decreases
    IF V6001 = 0 // If it has reached the limit
    V6001 = 975 // Paso al valor alto
    ELSE // If it has not reached the limit
    L0 = V6001 - 3
    IF L0 = -1 // Miro si es -1 que corresponde a 0
    V6001 = 0 // assign 0
    ELSE // Prosigo con lextraccion de las unidades
    L1 = L0 / 10 // Saco unidades
    L1 = TRUNC L1
    L1 = L1 * 10
    L1 = L0 - L1
    IF L1 = 4 // If it terminates en 4 corresponds to 5
    L0 = L0 + 1
    IF L1 = 9 // If it terminates en 9 corresponds to 0
    L0 = L0 + 1
    V6001 = L0 // Pass the value to the variable

    Var 6012, Link SUBRUTINE // Send value to standby frequency
    L0 = V6000 * 100 // Monta el n鷐ero
    L0 = L0 + V6001
    V6007 = TOBCD L0 // Pasamos a BCD y enviamos al simulador

    var 6013, name ii_sw1_com1, link IOCARD_SW, Device 3, input 114
    if &ii_sw1_com1 = 1
    call &clr_com1
    &io_l1_com1 = 1

    var 6014, name ii_sw2_com1, link IOCARD_SW, Device 3, input 113
    if &ii_sw2_com1 = 1
    call &clr_com1
    &io_l2_com1 = 1

    var 6015, name ii_sw3_com1, link IOCARD_SW, Device 3, input 112
    if &ii_sw3_com1 = 1
    call &clr_com1
    &io_l3_com2 = 1

    var 6016, name ii_sw4_com1, link IOCARD_SW, Device 3, input 115
    if &ii_sw4_com1 = 1
    call &clr_com1
    &io_l4_com1 = 1

    var 6017, name ii_sw5_com1, link IOCARD_SW, Device 3, input 108
    if &ii_sw5_com2 = 1
    call &clr_com2
    &io_l5_com2 = 1

    var 6018, name ii_sw6_com1, link IOCARD_SW, Device 3, input 116
    if &ii_sw6_com2 = 1
    call &clr_com2
    &io_l6_com2 = 1

    var 6019, name io_off_com1, link IOCARD_SW, Device 3, input 111
    if &io_off_com2 = 1
    call &clr_com2

    var 6020, name io_l1_com1, link IOCARD_OUT, Device 3, output 79

    var 6021, name io_l2_com1, link IOCARD_OUT, Device 3, output 81

    var 6022, name io_l3_com1, link IOCARD_OUT, Device 3, output 85

    var 6023, name io_l4_com1, link IOCARD_OUT, Device 3, output 75

    var 6024, name io_l5_com1, link IOCARD_OUT, Device 3, output 77

    var 6025, name io_l6_com1, link IOCARD_OUT, Device 3, output 83

    var 6026, name clr_com1, link SUBRUTINE
    &io_l1_com1 = 0
    &io_l2_com1 = 0
    &io_l3_com1 = 0
    &io_l4_com1 = 0
    &io_l5_com1 = 0
    &io_l6_com1 = 0