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    OC USB expansion cards not recognized

    This question is related to a recent thread on a very similar topic, but with a different twist. Let me say at the outset that I'm very new to OC cards and SIOC, but my early experiments with the DC Motors card and USB Relays were very successful. I surprised myself! Maybe just beginner's luck...

    So I came to the point of wanting to start working with LEDs and switches and other inputs. So, time to get out the expansion card and the Master 64 too. And that's when the trouble began.

    The expansion cards are not recognized at all, no LED, no device number, no nothing. Tried putting 5V on the card even though I don't think it should be needed just for testing, but didn't help. Also tried plugging in a Mastercard to J1 in case one was needed for the expansion card to work, but no good no joy on that either.

    The main point is that everything is the same as what I had when the other cards were working -- same port, same cable, same SIOC, same .ini file. So, the obvious question is: Is there something about the USB expansion card setup that I'm overlooking? It could be something very simple that should be obvious -- remember I'm just starting out with this. I came into these cards second hand so have no way of knowing for sure that they're good, but the others seem to be okay. Have two of these, but both behave the same.

    Sure will appreciate any suggestions...


    Dave Jones
    Fort McCoy, Florida USA

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    Re: OC USB expansion cards not recognized

    Hello Dave

    Download USBCheck
    and do this report any USBExpansion?

    And please show us your sioc.ini file.

    Most important is this section:

    [ Use the first USBExpansion card connected with only one Master Card attached ]

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    Re: OC USB expansion cards not recognized

    Sure appreciate that reply!

    Tried USBCheck, but it didn't find the expansion card. If I plug the relays card in, it shows up immediately.

    Here's my SIOC.ini.

    [ fichero de configuracion para el SIOC ver. 4.0 ]
    [ Configuration file for SIOC ]

    [************** SIOC ***************]

    [ Nombre asignado al SIOC ]
    [ SIOC name ]

    [ Puerto del servidor IOCP ]
    [ IOCP port ]

    [ Tiempo de respuesta máximo de los paquetes IOCP ]
    [ IOCP Timeout ]

    [ Arranque minimizado en la barra ]
    [ Start minimized in tray ]

    [ Retraso necesario para las variables toggles (Project Magenta)]
    [ Deley needed for var. toggles (Project Magenta) ]

    [ Fichero de configuracion ]
    [ Configuration File ]
    //CONFIG_FILE=C:\SIOC Scripts\DC_motors_Nav1OBS.ssi
    CONFIG_FILE=C:\SIOC Scripts\USB_relays_engine_start.ssi

    [************** MONITOR MODULE ***************]

    [ Desabilitar monitorizacion remota del SIOC ]
    [ Remote monitor disable mode yes/no ]

    [ Refresco broadcast monitor (en segundos) ]
    [ Broadcast monitor time (seconds) ]

    [************** IOCARDS MODULE ***************]

    [ Desactivar el módulo de las IOCards ]
    [ Disable IOCards module ]

    [ Divisor de frecuencia para los ejes analogicos (1-999). Retarda la entrega de valores. ]
    [ Frequency divisor for delay the analogic axes. (1-999)]

    [------------- CARDS CONFIG -------------]

    [ IOCard Master ]

    [ Spanish : ]

    [ MASTER=(Indice device),(Tipo),(Número de tarjetas),(Número device) ]

    [ Indice Device: Índice usado en la variable SIOC como device, para indicar a que tarjeta se hace referencia ]
    [ Se usa 0 en el caso de que sólo haya una tarjeta y no se tenga en cuenta el número de device, por defecto un script en SIOC cuando no se pone parámetro DEVICE, se hace referencia al índice 0]

    [ tipo = 0 : Emulador de Master Card // OBSOLETO ]
    [ tipo = 1 : Tarjeta Master conectada al puerto paralelo directamente // OBSOLETO ]
    [ tipo = 2 : Tarjeta Master conectada al puerto paralelo mediante cable de compatibilidad // OBSOLETO ]
    [ tipo = 3 : Placa de expansión por puerto paralelo // OBSOLETO ]
    [ tipo = 4 : Tarjeta USBExpansion usada ]
    [ tipo = 5 : Modulo MCP de Opencockpits ]
    [ tipo = 6 : Tarjeta USBOutputs ]
    [ tipo = 7 : Modulo EFIS de Opencockpits ]
    [ tipo = 8 : Modulo Radio COM de Opencockpits ]
    [ tipo = 9 : Modulo Radio NAV de Opencockpits ]
    [ tipo = 10 : Modulo Radio ADF de Opencockpits ]
    [ tipo = 11 : Modulo Radio ATC de Opencockpits ]
    [ tipo = 12 : Modulo Radio Airbus RMP de Opencockpits ]

    [ Número de tarjetas = Número de placas Master usadas, 1 a 4 para uso de placas de expansión, 1 para conexión de placa Master directa o del Emulador ]

    [ Número de device = 0 en el caso del Emulador o primera tarjeta USB detectada, Dirección del puerto paralelo (por ejemplo $037, o número de dispositivo USB ]

    [ Un ejemplo de 2 USBExpansion conectadas con 3 y 2 placas Master ]
    [ MASTER=0,4,3,22 ]
    [ MASTER=1,4,2,24 ]

    [ Un ejemplo de conexión a simulador ]
    [ MASTER=0,0,1,0 ]

    [ English : ]

    [ MASTER=(Device index),(Type),(Number of cards),(Device number) ]

    [ Device index : Index used in SIOC variable like device, this is the card used for SIOC sentence ]
    [ Use 0 for only one card, for this value you not need specify Device number. If you not use DEVICE parameter in a definition in SIOC script, the default index used is 0]

    [ type = 0 : Master Card Emulator // OBSOLETE ]
    [ type = 1 : Master Card connected directly to parallel port // OBSOLETE ]
    [ type = 2 : Master Card connected throught compatibility cable to parallel port //OBSOLETE]
    [ type = 3 : Expansion Card connected throught parallel port //OBSOLETE ]
    [ type = 4 : USBExpansion Card used ]
    [ type = 5 : Opencockpits MCP module ]
    [ type = 6 : USBOutputs Card used ]
    [ type = 7 : EFIS module ]
    [ type = 8 : Radio COM module ]
    [ type = 9 : Radio NAV module ]
    [ type = 10 : Radio ADF module ]
    [ type = 11 : Radio ATC module ]
    [ type = 12 : Radio RMP Airbus module ]

    [ Number of Cards = Master cards connecteds, 1 to 4 for expansion cards, 1 for a Master card directly connected or Emulator ]

    [ Number of device = 0 for Emulator or first USB card detected, parallel port address, device number for specifies USBexpansion card ]

    [ For example, two USBExpansion cards connected with 3 and 2 Master cards used ]
    [ MASTER=0,4,3,22 ]
    [ MASTER=1,4,2,24 ]

    [ For example, use of Master card emulator ]
    [ MASTER=0,0,1,0 ]

    [ Use the first USBExpansion card connected with only one Master Card attached ]
    [ Esta definición es para usar la primera tarjeta USBExpansion que se encuentre instalada que además llevará conectada una placa Master ]


    [ Others Cards / Otras tarjetas ]

    [ Spanish : ]

    [ Nombre_de_tarjeta=(Indice device),(Número device) ]

    [ Indice Device: Índice usado en la variable SIOC como device, para indicar a que tarjeta se hace referencia ]
    [ Se usa 0 en el caso de que sólo haya una tarjeta y no se tenga en cuenta el número de device, por defecto un script en SIOC cuando no se pone parámetro DEVICE, se hace referencia al índice 0]

    [ Número de device = 0 para usar primera tarjeta USB de este tipo detectada ó número de dispositivo USB ]

    [ English : ]

    [ Name_of_card=(Device index),(Device number) ]

    [ Device index : Index used in SIOC variable like device, this is the card used for SIOC sentence ]
    [ Use 0 for only one card, for this value you not need specify Device number. If you not use DEVICE parameter in a definition in SIOC script, the default index used is 0]

    [ Number of device = 0 for first USB card of this type detected, or device number for a specifies device ]

    [ Ejemplo de dos USBServos en indices 0 y 1, y números de devices 17 y 23 ]
    [ Example of two USBServos for index 0 and 1, and device number 17 and 23 ]

    [ USBServos=0,17 ]
    [ USBServos=1,23 ]


    [ Para los ejes analógicos se usan los números de devices de las tarjetas donde están alojados ]
    [ For analogic axles, you use the device number of cards what allow the axles ]


    [************** FSUIPC MODULE ***************]

    [ Desabilitar lectura de las FSUIPC ]
    [ FSUIPC disable mode yes/no ]

    [ Refresco recepción FSUIPC ]
    [ FSUIPC refresh ]

    [************** IOCP CLIENTS MODULES ***************]

    [ Retraso para inicializacion una vez conectado el cliente en milisegundos ]
    [ Delay for initialization when client has been connected in mseconds ]

    [************** IOCP CLIENT MODULE #0 ***************]

    [ Desactivar el módulo cliente IOCP ]
    [ Disable IOCP client module ]

    [ IP del servidor donde debe de conectar el cliente ]
    [ IOCP client host name ]

    [ Puerto de envio del protocolo IOCP cliente ]
    [ IOCP client port ]

    [************** IOCP CLIENT MODULE #1 ***************]

    [ Desactivar el módulo cliente IOCP ]
    [ Disable IOCP client module ]

    [ IP del servidor donde debe de conectar el cliente ]
    [ IOCP client host name ]

    [ Puerto de envio del protocolo IOCP cliente ]
    [ IOCP client port ]

    [************** SOUND MODULE ***************]

    [ Ficheros de sonido ]
    [ Sound Files ]

    [ Desactivar el módulo de sonido ]
    [ Disable Sound module ]

    [ Volumen general de los sonidos 0-100 ]
    [ Master Volume 0-100 ]

    [ put '*' first filename for loop Sound ]
    [ anteponer '*' en el fichero para bucle continuo de sonido]

    [ Sound=wav_file,frequency,volume,pan ]
    [ frequency=100 to 100000 0=original -1=current ]
    [ volume=0 to 100, -1=current ]
    [ pan=-100 (left) to +100 (right) 0=center -1=current ]

    [ Sound=Fichero_wav,frecuencia,volumen,balance ]
    [ frecuencia=100 hasta 100000 0=original -1=Por defecto ]
    [ volumen=0 hasta 100 -1=Volumen por defecto ]
    [ balance=-100 (Izquierda) hasta +100 (Derecha) 0=centro -1=Por defecto ]

    [ #1 ]

    [ #2 ]

    [ #3 ]

    [************** KEYBOARD EMULATOR MODULE ***************]

    [ Nombre exacto de la ventana donde se enviarán las teclas ]
    [ Name of window for key send ]
    [window = "Project Magenta Glass Cockpit - Build 396" ]

    window =a.txt - Bloc de notas

    [ Asignación de teclas ]
    [ assign youe keys ]

    #88= #200=
    [ End of File ]

    Shouldn't be that difficult, I don't think. May just be two dead cards. Hope not -- aside from the cost, I'm anxious to resume my experiments. Think my beginner's luck is running out...

    Could it be that there's something I need to do to the Mastercard that I'm missing? I've been focusing my attention on the expansion card, maybe incorrectly. All I've done is plug it into J1 on the expansion and connect 5V to it.

    Thanks again for your help or for any other ideas that may come up.


    Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. -- Henry Ford

    Dave Jones
    Fort McCoy, Florida

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    Re: OC USB expansion cards not recognized

    Hi Dave.

    Sorry to say, but it seems as both your Expansion board are doomed

    Have you check with previous owner - did they work back then?

    It can be a simple cause like a broken trace somewhere.
    If you have access to a MultiMeter you could do a few simple measurements.
    Plug in the USB and check if the PIC and other IC's get +5V.
    You should find a schematic over here:

    Do a visual inspection.

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    Re: OC USB expansion cards not recognized

    1. Are you plugging these into your pc directly and not via a hub?.
    2. What motherboard make and model?.
    3. Do you have access to another pc you can plug them into?.


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    Re: OC USB expansion cards not recognized

    Check your device Manager in Control Panel. Does the OC USB entry appear there or is it shown as "Unknown Device". If the latter, then delete the entry and a generic hub, if there, then reboot


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    Re: OC USB expansion cards not recognized

    Thanks to all for your help. I feel like I've wasted everybody's time though. Here's what happened this afternoon:

    I really liked Erik's idea of tracing my way through the cards with a VOM, looking for 5 volts where it should be, and I especially wanted to take note of any places where I might get different results from one card to the other. So I was setting up to do that when I saw some new posts had been added to this thread.

    Understand that for my testbed, I'm using a little laptop -- purely for convenience -- it fits pretty well in the space I set up for this. So when I saw Les' suggestion to try a different PC, I thought I should give that a go first. Don't ask why I didn't think of it myself. Naturally, the next thing was to start SIOC and plug the card in. It appeared as on the screen with its IDX # in the blink of an eye. So did the other one.

    Of course I was ecstatic to see the cards working, but this didn't make any sense since the other IO cards I've worked with are just fine with the laptop. But, anyway, back to the laptop I went with my expansion cards. I had already tried two of the laptop's three USB ports before I posted my original query. Knowing that I had already tried two, I did the next/only thing I could think of, which was to pull the mouse adapter and try that port. You know what I'm going to say next: that it works fine, and moving the mouse adapter restored everything to normal. So to put it more concisely, the answer to this was to swap the mouse port and the one I'm connecting the expansion card to.

    I have a lot to learn as I start into this project, and I'm not afraid of it -- in fact I welcome it to a degree, especially being encouraged by my experiments with SIOC so far. I'm looking forward to working with SIOC and FSUIPC, Project Magenta, interfacing the controls and all the rest of it. What I'm not interested in at all is dealing with the vagaries and quirks of Windows and the hardware under its control, an illogical world in which logic has no place -- a place where some things are just not meant to be understood. I knew things like this were bound to surface; I just didn't know it would be so soon.

    Anyway, with expansion cards working fine, now I'm free to start working with switches, pots, indicator lights and so forth. You know -- the things I want to do.

    Thanks so much to all of you for leading me to the solution and getting me to the point of being able to advance past this. I'm so grateful for the help and also that I have two perfectly good expansion cards! Mastercards next...


    Dave Jones
    Fort McCoy, Florida USA

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    Re: OC USB expansion cards not recognized

    Good fight, Dave

    Sorry to set you of in the wrong direction.
    Nothing surprises me about USB anymore.
    I thought as you as the USB port already worked with OC hardware.

    Then the DreamTeam David and Les shows up....

    I learn something new every day – thx guys.

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    Re: OC USB expansion cards not recognized

    Sorry to set you of in the wrong direction.

    Eric, Les, Dave -

    Don't forget that what you suggested about tracing voltages around the card made perfect sense. But as you said, THANKS, GUYS.

    First experiments with the Mastercards are encouraging. With FSUIPC itself and SIOC's LINK FSUIPC_IN/OUT, new worlds are opening.

    Interesting days ahead!

    Thanks again to all.


    Dave Jones
    Fort McCoy, Florida USA

    Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. -- Henry Ford

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    Re: OC USB expansion cards not recognized

    Nice to see you are on your way.

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