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    Help with SIOC script

    I made my own radios with displays and encoders from Open Cockpits but I apparently don't have a talent for programing. Math never was one of my easiest subjects. I copied this script for my COM1 and tried to translate some of the Spanish to English to help me understand it better. I input my pin numbers but I don't know if there was something wrong with the script or it isn't right for my setup. I'm using 2 encoders and 2 five digit displays. When I turn my encoders counter clockwise the digits count down as they should but when I turn them clockwise the digits change back and forth between the last 2 numbers. I can't even find the original file to see if I accidentally deleted some script. I would really appreciate some help with this, I have been struggling with it for a while. Here is my script.

    Var 0200 // Standby Frequency 2D High Digits
    CALL V0212 // Send value to Simulator

    Var 0201 // Standby Frequency 2D Low Digits
    CALL V0212 // Send value to Simulator

    Var 0202, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Digit 64, Numbers 5 // Active Radio Frequency

    Var 0203, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Digit 69, Numbers 2 // Standby Frequency Low Digits

    Var 0204, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Digit 71, Numbers 2 // Standby Frequency High Digits

    Var 0205, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Digit 73, Numbers 1 // Standby Frequency 1 Digit

    Var 0206, Value 0

    Var 0207, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $311A, Length 2 // COM1 Standby Frequency
    V0204 = V0200 // Send high digits to display
    V0203 = V0201 // Send low digits to display

    Var 0208, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $034E, Length 2 // COM1 Active Frequency
    L0 = FROMBCD V0208 // change to binary
    V0202 = L0 + 10000 // and display the 1 in front

    Var 0209, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 135, Type P // SWAP Active/Standby
    L0 = V0200 * 100 // Value of 2 high digits
    L0 = L0 + V0201 // + value of low digits
    L1 = FROMBCD V0208 // Save the current frequency changing to dec
    V0208 = TOBCD L0 // Y le paso la frecuencia de Standbye
    L0 = L1 / 100 // Saco los 2 digitos altos
    V0200 = TRUNC L0 // Se los paso a la variable
    L2 = V0200 * 100
    V0201 = L1 - L2 // Paso los 2 digitos bajos

    Var 0210, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Input 183, Aceleration 1 // Encoder High Digits
    V0200 = ROTATE 18 ,36 ,V0210 // Inc/Decrement considerando limites 18-36

    Var 0211, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Input 185, Aceleration 1 // Low digits
    IF V0211 > 0 // If the frequency increases
    IF V0201 = 97 // If it has reached the high limit
    V0201 = 0 // Step to 0
    ELSE // If it has not reached the limit
    L0 = V0201 + 3 // add 3 but now I check...
    L1 = L0 / 10 // Saco unidades
    L1 = TRUNC L1
    L1 = L1 * 10
    L1 = L0 - L1
    IF L1 = 3 // If the units end in 3
    L0 = L0 + 1 // Decrease by 1
    IF L1 = 8 // If the units end in 8
    L0 = L0 - 1 // Decrease by 1
    V0201 = L0 // pass the final value
    ELSE // If the frequency decreases
    IF V0201 = 0 // If it has reached the limit
    V0201 = 97 // Step to the high value (97)
    ELSE // If it has not reached the limit
    L0 = V0201 - 3
    IF L0 = -1 // See if it is - 1 which corresponds to 0
    V0201 = 0 // assign 0
    ELSE // continue with lextraccion of the units
    L1 = L0 / 10 // Saco unidades
    L1 = TRUNC L1
    L1 = L1 * 10
    L1 = L0 - L1
    IF L1 = 4 // If it ends in 4 corresponding to 5
    L0 = L0 + 1
    IF L1 = 9 // If it ends in 9 corresponding with 0
    L0 = L0 + 1
    V0201 = L0 // Paso el valor a la variable

    Var 0212, Link SUBRUTINE // Manda valor a frecuencia standby
    L0 = V0200 * 100 // Monta el número
    L0 = L0 + V0201
    V0207 = TOBCD L0 // Pasamos a BCD y enviamos al simulador

  2. #2
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    Re: Help with SIOC script


    You forgot to define the type of encoder:

    Var 0210, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Input 183, Aceleration 1 Type 2 // Encoder High Digits
    Var 0211, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Input 185, Aceleration 1 Type 2 // Low digits

  3. #3
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    Re: Help with SIOC script

    Thank you so much. I can't believe it was something so simple. Works fine now.
