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  1. #11
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    Re: iPad, Safari and Advertising Hyperlinks?

    I think this info regarding costs needs to be spread around this site so everyone realises that it costs money to run a webiste, I only stumbled on it by accident as I normally go direct to the forums. I hope everyone who uses this site donates something, after all look how much info you get for nothing! I come here most days just to read what everyone else is doing and to pick up tricks and tips. A few dollars/pounds/euros/ is nothing compared to what we all spend on our pits. COme on guys you know you love this site so please donate something
    geoff jones

  2. Thanks Matt Olieman thanked for this post
  3. #12
    Executive Vice President, MyCockpit

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    Re: iPad, Safari and Advertising Hyperlinks?

    Thanks for your comments and support!!!!

    Overnight (MYC) had two more donations, a total of $36.00

    Thank you from all of MYC users/members.

    Quote Originally Posted by pdpo View Post
    Hi Matt,

    I was really shocked to hear this site costs 300 dollar each month!!!!! I did not realise that.. I thought 300 $ for a year would pay for this. I didnt have an idea it is that costly to run a site. I almost cant believe it.
    Anyway, I have been a faithfull user for several years on a almost daily basis, trying to contribute in sharing my knowledge of SIOC and opencockpits. Now I have also contributed in the form of a small contribution...hope it helps a little.

    Greetings Peter
    Thank you Peter. Actually it's more than that, but we just have to cut back. $300 is just the very basics to keep the site afloat. It's amazing over the years the information we've collected and the storage it requires to keep it available and a backup source. The site has approximately 350,000 hits a day, the band width is nominal.

    I recall running the site on $10 month. But things change, and to the better, but it costs.....

    There are vendors selling their products without contributing a cent and they wonder why I ask them to stop. Can you believe they get angry at me for that....

    In speaking for all who use this, I thank those who financially support us.

    Matt Olieman

  4. #13
    300+ Forum Addict notgotaclue's Avatar
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    Re: iPad, Safari and Advertising Hyperlinks?

    I just made a donation, I would be lost without this site.
    It the first thing I check when I switch on my computer and hope you manage to solve the financial problems.

  5. Thanks Matt Olieman thanked for this post
  6. #14
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    Re: iPad, Safari and Advertising Hyperlinks?

    Thanks to some cockpit related expenses in the last few days, PayPal limited my account for security reasons. Donation once that is cleared up.

    Some users might consider putting the link in my signature in theirs as well to constantly remind people to donate. The link takes people directly to the PayPal donation page.

  7. Thanks Matt Olieman thanked for this post
  8. #15
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    Re: iPad, Safari and Advertising Hyperlinks?

    Just made my donation. I know I don't post much, but the site has been an invaluable resource for my NG build! And I know it will continue to be a trusted place to come for information. Matt - thanks for all you work and effort into setting up and running this site!

    Matt (G. in Boston)

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  10. #16
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    Re: iPad, Safari and Advertising Hyperlinks?

    Matt O,

    Just curious, what if a member does not have a Paypal account or a credit card? What if they wanted to mail you a check or money order donation? Do you have an address available?

    I ask this because there are some members who might not have the means to pay online. For example, the younger members who might be 13, 14, 15 & etc; these members might not want to ask their parents to do the online payment for them. They might want to help by doing it for themselves and mailing a donation; thus, feeling that being a member of this site and hobby is something that belongs to them and not their parents...

    Remember what it was like to be their age? You'd mow 25 lawns or shovel 25 sidewalks just to earn enough to buy the next item for your favorite hobby? Some an old car to fix up, others a BMX bike, baseball bat or glove, football, soccer ball, RC Car or RC Airplane, and maybe, the newest Barbie Play House; because there are even girl members on this site, so they count too. Well, these younger members have Flight Simulator and Cockpit Building as their hobby today, so they likely want to keep it going...and donating to MYC is a part of that because they're learning so much about Flight Simulation from here.

    Besides the younger members there are some other members who would rather mail it too you. Therefore, the point being, there would be several different avenues of donating to MYC for everyone.

    Finally, I have to shout out to all the companies whose products get talked about or read about 24x7 on this site. You do know that most of your customers come from MYC right? There is a saying in advertising, "play it 10 times, they hear it 7, they listen 3 times and get it once" Thus, your products' ads are being played endlessly, so people see it 70% of the time, read it 30% of the time and get it once...NOW, multiply by the amount of members and visitors per day, that means you have that many potential customers learning and even buying from you! So, you really should continue to keep ads on MYC.

    Most companies can write off advertising on their taxes because it is something that is needed and is taking from profit margins, so you should continue to advertise...please! I said PLEASE....Pretty Please! Seriously, we need you as much as you need us customers.


  11. Thanks Efe Cem Elci, Matt Olieman thanked for this post
  12. #17
    Executive Vice President, MyCockpit

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    Re: iPad, Safari and Advertising Hyperlinks?

    Quote Originally Posted by blueskydriver View Post
    Matt O,

    Just curious, what if a member does not have a Paypal account or a credit card? What if they wanted to mail you a check or money order donation? Do you have an address available?

    If you can't donate via PayPal but can via a Credit Card.... Send me a PM with your email address and the amount you would like to donate. I will send you a PayPal invoice which can be paid using your credit card.

    Thanks again for all of you that continue to support

    Matt Olieman

  13. #18
    300+ Forum Addict oal331's Avatar
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    Re: iPad, Safari and Advertising Hyperlinks?

    I believe in freeware sites, forums, communities, information, s/w, etc, so i think that deserves our support.

    We are spending a lot of money every year for our common hobby, so just a few $ is nothing to support a freeware MyCockpit.

    This site is our common place, where we virtually meet our friends and we discuss about our hobby. Is like a "virtual cafe" a virtual meeting place.

    Make your donations !!!

    Eddie Armaos
    Proud supporter of
    Eddie Armaos


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  15. #19
    150+ Forum Groupie skino's Avatar
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    Re: iPad, Safari and Advertising Hyperlinks?

    I do not have Paypal. How else can I donate? I would like to donate on a regular basis

    since one of the best cockpit sides is that I know and I both on the helpfulness of the

    members and of their deep expertise'm excited again.
    In Germany, often by telephone or SMS Using those donated to a specific number is called,

    which costs $ 5 for example. This money then goes to the owner of the number. Can not you

    set up with a paid number one band, the "THANKS" says?

    I would set up a number in Germany, for example for European donors when it is desired and


    Since the threshold is perhaps not so great to call and make a donate ?

    A list of donors to donate on the Homepage might also be an incentive.

    Matt please apologize that we do not have long supported!

  16. Thanks Matt Olieman thanked for this post
  17. #20
    75+ Posting Member davek's Avatar
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    Re: Your Donations are needed!!!! Why? iPad, Safari and Advertising Hyperlinks?

    I subscribe to several aviation magazines and as I use this site in a similar manner for reading the latest info, getting advice etc, I have made a donation to the same price as a magazine subscription.

    I am happy to pay an annual subscription fee for access to all the information that is in the forums.
    If people cant afford a annual payment, maybe divided into monthly payments.

    As subscribers, we would have access to all forums, whereas those public visitors have access to the general forum only. A little bit restrictive, but for MyCockpit to survive, there needs to be a change to the way you do business to keep it going.

    I have just finished reading Steve Jobs biography... Matt if you want some tips on how to run a business (sic) have a read...

    PS I know its not a business but you cant afford to keep paying for it out of your own pocket.

  18. Thanks Matt Olieman thanked for this post
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