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Thread: USB basic help

  1. #1
    Our new friend needs to reach 10 posts to get to the next flight level Redbirdman's Avatar
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    Unhappy USB basic help is where I start! HELP!
    (at least from my rinky dink sim pit)

    I use an overlay (or just the buttons sometimes) on a stand alone USB numeric keypad for such things as lights, gen, starter etc. in my simpit. So far it works great and does not interfere with the regular numeric pad on the regular keyboard.
    So I decided to try a complete USB keyboard as part of an overhead panel to do the same thing. But I still want to keep my ps2 keyboard back at the computer.
    However, my Sony Vaio pent 4 circa 2004 running win xp does not even act like it recognizes it. (It reminds me of some of my old friends from hovercontrol ....jus kidding Shawn)! The keyboard works fine on other computers and the Sony does quickly install all other usb stuff. But not the keyboard.
    I went into BIOS but there is no place to check off "usb keyboard" and since it is a logitech usb keyboard there are no drivers.
    Does anyone know a solution?
    ps: I looked on line and I see dozens of other people with the same question but no answers.

    ps: to save time with some answers, of course I shut down completely and restart and unplug and replug and look in device drivers etc. all to no avail!

  2. #2
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Michael Carter's Avatar
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    Go to the Device Manager and see if the USB ports are turned off automatically. This is a power saving feature, and is probably especially useful for laptops. I can't see any usefulness for a desktop, but it's there.

    I had this problem on my desktop FS main system with a new input card and the ports were set to automatic. This turned the ports off and they didn't always recognise (like they should) if something is plugged in to it.

    Change your settings to "Always On" for the USB Hub entry in the device manager.

    Hope that helps.
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  3. #3
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    Also try this USB device viewer program. It's called USBDeview found at It will show you how the device is seen by Windows and if it is connected or not. You can also tell it to un-install the driver. Next time you plug it in it will / should install the drivers again for the device.
    Fritz -> Helicopter Cockpit Builder
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  4. Thanks Deesystems thanked for this post
  5. #4
    Our new friend needs to reach 10 posts to get to the next flight level Redbirdman's Avatar
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    thanks guys for the assistance. However, I found the 'switch' to keep the usb ports active but to no avail.
    AND I D/L' ed the Device Viewer (which is way too cool BTW!)
    But here is a strange thing: The device viewer shows the new usb keyboard as being installed, active, green and all the boxes the way you would expect. Yet the keyboard is still totally dead. And to add to the confusion; it suddenly disappears from the device viewer with out a trace. Everything else I have ever in my entire life is listed in the device viewer along with the minute I took it out. Yet the new usb keyboard leaves not a trace.....................ok, I'm still working on it!

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redbirdman View Post
    But here is a strange thing: The device viewer shows the new usb keyboard as being installed, active, green and all the boxes the way you would expect. Yet the keyboard is still totally dead. And to add to the confusion; it suddenly disappears from the device viewer with out a trace. Everything else I have ever in my entire life is listed in the device viewer along with the minute I took it out. Yet the new usb keyboard leaves not a trace.....................ok, I'm still working on it!
    Very funny LOL. What ticks do you have set under the Options menu? I have the first 4 ones on (ticked). Give it a try and see if you can see it now.
    Fritz -> Helicopter Cockpit Builder
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    300+ Forum Addict phil744's Avatar
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    is USB keyboard support enabled in the BIOS?, might be a long shot but have a look.

  8. #7
    Our new friend needs to reach 10 posts to get to the next flight level Redbirdman's Avatar
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    Yeah I went into bios but there is no place to enable (or disable) usb keyboards that I can find???
    I also checked off all the options in USB view and I do find the indication of a Logitech keyboard, green light and yes to the 'working' option. It is also listed in device manager as a working HID and listed as a keyboard. And what is worse is the num pad light lights but nothing works.
    Ok..........I'll keep trying between honey dews..........;>(

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