
You are in luck. The temperature today was 1deg Centigrade.
Too cold to work in my unheated hanger.

I upgraded FSVariable editor and FS2Phidget.
to work with offfsets 0560 and 0568.

Sent you an email.
Attached zip contains:

(a) FSVariables4315.ini
Ini file contains two FSVariables:

(b) FSVariable207.exe

The Editor has a new check box in the Conversion frame.
i.e. dddmm.m - this will convert a decimal expression to degrees and minutes.

(c) FS2Phidget4316.exe

Assign the fsvariable to TextLCD as usual.

However, with standard formatting will display sign as "+" or "-".
Not to worry - there is a new formatting option:
Precede formatting with a "~" and then either a "N" or "S" for latitude.
Choose either character - does not matter - the program will sort it out.
Precede formatting with a "~" and then either a "E" or "W" for longitude. Choose either character - does not matter - the program will sort it out.

(d) PhidgetTextLCDEmulation4.ini

A working example of above already configured.

Install these files in same folders as your current installation.
