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  1. #11
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    Hello all. As promised some further updates....

    I've basically finished the throttle box now, built the whole thing in under a week so im rather chuffed with that All it needs now is some rubber feet and the bottom needs painting. Check out the pics....

    The yoke box however is still not finished. Needs some kind of clamping system to keep it on the desk, havnt figured out how too do that yet lol; will keep you posted.

  2. #12
    Boeing 777 Builder

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    Wow that's some fine engineering. You obviously work in the field. Considering how much companies like Simkits ask just for one C172 push-pull throttle I'd say you've saved a fortune. Have you considered going into business?

    Opencockpits | Aerosim Solutions | Sim-Avionics | P3D | FDS | FTX | AS16 | PPL | Kennair

  3. #13
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    Wow thanks mate, thats a really nice comment (this is why i love forums lol) I'm actually a general builder by trade, and have always had an interest in mechanics and electronics. Im still not kitted out for metal working tho, the only true metal working tool i have is a pillar drill and a hacksaw lol! I seriously have mulled over trying too make a living out of this. I dunno if it's feasable tho, or if my skills are upto scratch. I would say tho the throttle box and yoke must have cost me around £400 too build, could build another set for a bit less; and a lot quicker tho. If i was too build and sell these id probably be looking for around £1200 for the set (throttle box + yoke) as they take a lot of time and effort. Just for a bit of "market research" lol! Would anyone be willing too pay that for these? would like too give it a go but i dont wanna build a load of yoke+throttle units and be stuck with them coz noone wants to buy em lol.

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